Huawei P50 renderings exposed:New ID center punched straight screen + Leica quad camera

本週海外爆料者帶來了一組最新的華為P50渲染圖展示了該機全新的ID設計。Show according to the picture,華為P50採用了與以往完全不同的外觀設計其正面捨棄了以往的藥丸式雙挖孔顯示屏採用了居中單孔的直屏方案且屏幕四周邊框及窄帶來了極高的屏佔比

The new OPPO Reno6 series received 3C certification:The whole system comes standard with 65W fast charge

a few days ago,OPPO多款新機通過3C認證型號為PEXM00PEPM00PDEM30等全部支持65W有線快充這些新機或為OPPO Reno6系列OPPO Reno6系列將包括Reno6Reno6 Pro以及Reno 6 Pro+三款分別搭載聯發科天璣1200、Qualcomm Snapdragon 870、Snapdragon 888 processor。

Exposure to Redmi gaming phone released this month:Equipped with Tenken 1200

Redmi gaming phone will be officially released this month。Redmi gaming phone has entered the network of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Model M2104K10C,R & D code ares (Aris),Equipped with Dimensity 1200 processor。Revelations show,The front of the Redmi gaming phone will be equipped with an OLED centered punch hole straight screen,The front camera adopts the same Samsung E4 material screen and ultra-small opening as the Redmi K40,Possess top-level display and control effects,Bring top gaming experience。

Do mobile games need more than 100 frame rates? iQOO Neo5 review

The independent display chip of iQOO Neo5 can indeed improve the game fluency and picture quality、Reduce heat and power consumption。Forget the independent display chip,The capable appearance of iQOO Neo5、66W fast charge、OriginOS for iQOO operating system、OIS camera、Linear motor、Configurations such as dual speakers and liquid cooling allow it to meet the needs of mainstream consumers in non-gaming scenarios。The independent display chip is not the first launch of iQOO Neo5,But iQOO Neo5 is rare to carry this technology,Also has balanced strength and cost-effective products。

“安卓之光”小米11 Ultra刷新手機排行榜成最流暢手機

recently,魯大師發布3月新機流暢榜“安卓之光”小米11 Ultra以208.36的成績超越了華為Mate40 RS新版奪得流暢榜冠軍排在第二的華為Mate40 RS新版除了存儲容量是新版本外其他保持一致

OPPO Find X3 Pro vs iPhone 12 PM network experience comparison:A race in milliseconds

通过本次测试可以发现OPPO Find X3 Pro的网络体验在一众旗舰手机当中十分出色具有这样的实力自然能够为用户在日常使用中提供良好的使用体验而现OPPO Find X3 Pro能够拥有这样出色的表现自然离不开OPPO在手机网络技术方面的多年积累以及在5G领域的巨大研发投入

The new version of Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra is on the shelves:Datang Fenghua Limited Edition Free Bone China Cup

4月2日消息京東商城上架了一款限量版小米11 Ultra—小米11 Ultra大唐風華限定版小米11 Ultra大唐風華限定版由小米聯合中國文物交流中心打造手機採用溫潤陶瓷機身同時提供了特別定制的大唐風華骨瓷杯手機則是小米11 Ultra頂配版本配備12GB內存、512GB storage,其它規格與普通版本保持一致

realme GT Neo review

Whether it is the core performance、battery life,Still taking pictures and systems,realme GT Neo has many reasons to be chosen by everyone,It is not easy to do this in a market where competition is becoming fiercer。realme UI 2.0 is one of the "spokesmen" with high degree of freedom of customization and rich function options,It is very suitable for users who want to make their mobile phones different from others。

Huawei P50 Pro's latest high-definition renderings exposed:Single ring rear triple camera

today,媒體letsgodigital曬出了多張華為P50 Pro渲染圖與此前不同的是在鏡頭模組上取消了雙圓環設計改為單圓環後置三攝方案渲染圖中華為P50 Pro擁有更加圓潤細膩的曲面弧度或採用6.6英寸QHD+OLED屏支持120Hz刷新前置鏡頭為中置打孔設計