OPPO new machine exposure:Full non-porous design + under-screen proactive + true full screen

4According to digital blogger @数码闲话站 broke the news on June 6,OPPO is developing a completely hole-free phone,The new machine adopts the under-screen proactive solution,Rear camera is electrochromic technology,Equipped with side pressure-sensitive buttons。

vivo X70系列有望在6月發布蔡司鏡頭+三星AMOLED屏+骁龙888

據博主@禿然熊貓消息vivo X70 Pro+版本除搭載高通驍龍888處理器外屏幕換成了三星E4材質AMOLED屏分辨率依然為1080p前攝採用中置打孔方案並且還補齊了立體聲雙揚聲器vivo X70 Pro+主攝尺寸大於1/1.28英寸擁有蔡司認證或內置4500mAh容量電池,Support 66W fast charge。

vivo X70 曝光:Zeiss、4500mAh 電池+66W 快充

4月6日數碼博主@禿然熊貓透露vivo下一代X 系列旗艦vivo X70 Pro+將搭載高通驍龍888 芯片主攝尺寸大於1/1.28 英寸擁有蔡司認證Pro 款預計擁有4500mAh 電池,Support 66W fast charge,採用三星E4 材質AMOLED 屏擁有雙揚聲器預計Pro+ 在這些方面持平或更強基礎版未知該系列機型預計將於6 月左右發布

phone with turbo fan:Lenovo Savior 2 Pro real machine is exposed for the first time - RGB breathing light + built-in turbo fan

4月6日早上@數碼閒聊站帶來了拯救者電競手機2 Pro的首張真機諜照。Show according to the picture,聯想拯救者2 Pro採用側面彈出式前攝背部在處理器位置整體凸起帶來了更大的散熱空間並配備業內首創的雙渦輪超維散熱系統有利於驍龍888發揮出極致性能聯想拯救者在近期正式官宣將在4月8日推出拯救者2 Pro

OPPO Find X3 Pro detailed review

For OPPO Find X3 Pro this product,In fact, I would like to talk to you about my subjective feelings about it.。This is a color imaging flagship that pays great attention to the ultimate "feeling",This feeling is not only reflected in the 1 billion color screen,Also includes its difficult integrated design、High-quality dual main camera、Microscope lens in a class of its own、There are even cell phone ringtones with Hans Zimmer and more。Through these unique designs、Features、experience,Make consumers who have experienced it unforgettable。

iQOO Z3 performance evaluation

The performance of iQOO Z3 in the same level is very balanced,Snapdragon 768G+UFS 2.2 brings excellent performance,120The Hz high refresh screen meets the needs of users for smooth daily use and high-frame games,4400mAh battery + 55W flash charging combination provides reliable endurance performance,Plus the 6400W ultra-clear triple camera with extra surprises,It can be called the best 5G performance at the same price。

Detailed review of iQOO Z3

iQOO Z3 combines powerful performance with excellent experience,Whether it is a game experience or a multi-scenario application,Qualcomm Snapdragon 768G combined with 120Hz high refresh screen can provide us with the ultimate operating experience,Under the support of 55W flash charge and liquid cooling system,with competitive price,Let iQOO Z3 become a veritable flagship of mass performance in 2021。OriginOS

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 is about to enter the network:Snapdragon 870+2K high refresh rate

4月3日知名爆料博主@數碼閒聊站最新消息顯示目前小米平板5已準備完畢即將送網備案小米平板5將同時推出兩款產品其中包括小米平板5小米平板5 Pro分別搭載聯發科天璣1200驍龍870芯片其中Pro版本將主打高端市場

華為MatePad Pro 2系統界面曝光首發預裝Harmony OS

華為官方已正式宣布將在本月推出Harmony OS正式版還將在本月發布新一代旗艦平板——華為MatePad Pro 2,4月4日有博主曝光了華為MatePad Pro 2的主界面其中顯示平板端的Harmony OS引入了類似Mac的雙Dock欄設計在常用應用程序旁能直接將運行中的應用程序顯示出來整體與PC設備更加相似操作更加便捷