Honor 60 review:1100 million pixel surprises

榮耀HONOR 60充電和續航評測:66W快充只需半小時充滿

——Charging test

HONOR 60首次採用了4800mAh的超大電池同時經過機身空間優化在提升電池容量的同時也規避了大電池帶來的手機尺寸和重量的提升

榮耀60還支援66W智慧超級快充,We start charging from 5%,實測可在15分鐘就充至60%只需34分鐘就充滿了比官方的理論標準還要好一些

Honor 60 review

- battery life test

For battery life,We use the professional battery life test tool battery dog ​​for testing。on the test project,We checked including CPU high voltage、CPU multithreading、AI recognition、Picture Viewer、video playback、All test projects for web browsing,Analogy to real-life usage scenarios,Restore the real load to the greatest extent,Infinitely close to the real power consumption。

Battery dog ​​we check the limit battery life test,Manual 50% brightness,Test from 100% battery,總共用時10小時25分自動關機相當驚喜

To know,硬體狗狗測試偏重度使用而且是連續高負載這樣的成績換成日常間歇性使用完全可以堅持一天半的時間,even if you keep playing、watch video,一天也輕輕鬆鬆

Summarize:軟硬體結合到位 高顏值的HONOR 60更能打

now,手機市場充斥著瘋狂堆砌硬體,It seems to use the best hardware configuration,It can be equated with the best mobile experience,But actually,硬體性能的發揮除了看規格參數更要看優化調校能力才能帶來最佳的體驗

Glory did not fall into this vicious circle,Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G chip on Honor 60,on the basis of its maturity,Superimposed the GPU Turbo X graphics acceleration technology of Honor software and hardware cooperation,It can process the game screen efficiently in a low-power state,Game performance without stress,Played the potential of 120Hz high refresh screen。

As a long-term item of the Glory digital series,Taking pictures is even better。 榮耀打磨的這顆1億像素的主攝在第六代高通AI引擎加持+三ISP的加持下,Completely do whatever you want,Whether it's sunny or cloudy,Regardless of the distance,no matter the zoom macro,can be easily dealt with,尤其是色彩還原令人印象深刻大環境追求真實小細節討好眼球相當平衡


榮耀HONOR 60搭載4800毫安的電池雖不是最大的但在持續高負載下也可提供10個小時半的長續航時間日常玩一天怎麼都不用擔心再搭配66W的智慧超級快充僅需半小時就接近滿血

當然還有榮耀數位系列的拿手好戲,Exterior。榮耀HONOR 60自成一派的審美體系,particularly recognizable,正面58°曲率的雙曲面設計上下對等的窄邊框,Excellent visual effect。

榮耀HONOR 60鏡面的後背完全可以拿來當鏡子使用而且迎著光線還能產生不同的光影效果雙圓鏡頭區域往機身四周延伸出的光線更是看起來別致美觀的同時還兼顧了握感的舒適

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