HONOR Magic 3 new product launch conference:Introducing a new computational photography platform,At the same time launch the HONOR Magic3 series、HONOR X20、Honor tablet HONOR V7 Pro、Honor Watch GS 3

87:30pm on the 12th,Honor officially held the global launch of Honor flagship new products,Mainly released the HONOR Magic3 series、Honor HONOR X20、Honor tablet HONOR V7 Pro、Honor watch HONOR GS 3 four products。

Xiaomi launches Mi Pad 5 series、New products like Mi TV 6 OLED and Mi TV Master 77 OLED

810th night,Except for Xiaomi MIX4 mobile phone,Xiaomi also released the Mi Pad 5 series、Mi TV 6 OLED (55" and 65")、Xiaomi TV Master 77 OLED、Xiaomi Audio Sound、Xiaomi robot and other products。

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 Officially Released:120Hz maximum refresh rate

8evening of the 10th,小米平板5系列正式發布。this time,小米平板5系列提供兩款機型分別為小米平板5小米平板5 Pro(Pro 5G)。ID design,小米平板5擁有深錆、dazzling white、墨綠三款配色Pro版提供深錆炫白配色而5G版則提供深錆配色小米平板5 Pro/Pro 5G搭載高通驍龍870處理器小米平板5搭載驍龍860處理器

Xiaomi MIX4 officially released:CUP full screen + front camera under the screen

Xiaomi MIX 4 use 6.67 inch AMOLED slightly curved flexible screen,Support 10bit primary color screen、TrueTone Display with Dolby Vision,Has Gorilla Glass overlay,Automatically adjusts the screen's cool and warm display according to the ambient color temperature,Supports front and rear ambient light sensors。Xiaomi MIX 4 equipped with Snapdragon 888 Plus processor,Built-in 4500mAh battery,Support 120W wired second charge and 50W wireless second charge。Xiaomi MIX 4 is equipped with a 100-megapixel main camera,match…

Redmi K50 series exposure:Snapdragon 888 and Snapdragon 898 Dual Platform

This morning,A blogger brought information about the Redmi K50 series。One of the three new Redmi K50 series will be powered by the Snapdragon 888 chip,The other two will be equipped with the "895" chip,It also corresponds to the Snapdragon 888 and the next-generation chip,It has been called Snapdragon 898 by many sources。Redmi K50 series will be equipped with 100W fast charging for the first time,It is expected to be at least 120W fast charging specification;Also possible in E5 material,As for whether there is an off-screen solution, it is still uncertain。

小米MIX 4規格全曝光驍龍888+、80W wireless fast charge、MIUI 12.5

recently,微博數碼博主@熊貓很禿然曝光了小米 MIX 4的大部分參數信息包括將採用 6.67 英寸雙曲屏搭載高通驍龍888plus移動平台,5000mAh大容量電池支持120Hz屏幕刷新率等

曝小米平板5 充電器或為選配

today,小米官方首次曬出了小米平板5的外包裝盒同時表示“這次見面還有一點驚喜”包裝盒整體十分輕薄採用黑白兩色設計正面印有金色小米全新Logo以及產品名稱。 in,黑色包裝盒預計為小米平板5系列的高配版本。It is worth mentioning that,從如此輕薄的包裝盒可以看出此次小米平板5系列似乎要走小米11“環保”線路即包裝內不含充電器。 Appearance,小米平板5將採用邊框極窄的全面屏方案圓角屏幕側面直邊框設計。performance,根據已知信息來看小米平板5系列將提供驍龍870處理器以及驍龍860處理器兩款配置屏幕參數上小米平板5配備一塊10.95英寸LCD顯示屏擁有2560*1600分辨率,Support 120Hz refresh rate、240hz觸控採樣率同時擁有4096級觸控。 in addition,小米方面確認將會同時推出MIUI平板管家類似小米智能手機搭載的“手機管家”App擁有垃圾清理優化加速安全防護等功能

小米平板 5 再預熱高音清晰

小米集團 CEO 雷軍今天再次為即將發布的小米平板 5 做預熱表示小米平板 5 將具有極其震撼的音質高音清晰,deep bass,看電影和玩遊戲都具有絕佳的視聽享受小米官方此前多次為該平板預熱還在今日展示了包裝盒小米平板 5 的包裝盒十分簡潔正面右上角印有金色新版 Logo以及產品名稱在背景中還出現了黑色的包裝盒預計為小米平板 5 系列的高端型號。 also,根據預熱信息小米平板 5 還將支持壓感手寫筆和鍵盤小米展示的鍵盤保護套外殼使用了較硬的材質表面有著細膩的皮革紋理該鍵盤採用了標準的排列設計使用了巧克力浮島鍵帽。…

小米平板 5 包裝盒亮相黑白兩種

小米平板 5 即將於 8 moon 10 official release date。這款產品預計會搭載高通驍龍 860/870 processor,確認支持壓感手寫筆鍵盤保護套今日官方再次對小米平板 5 進行預熱展現了包裝盒的樣子並表示“這次見面還有一點驚喜” 平板電腦的包裝盒十分簡潔正面右上角印有金色新版 Logo以及產品名稱在背景中還出現了黑色的包裝盒預計為小米平板 5 系列的高端型號由於包裝厚度十分小因此可以預計內部將不包含充電器小米或許會採用單獨包裝的方式提供。 According to previous reports,小米平板