Redmi Note10首張實拍圖亮相

Redmi紅米手機官方近期正式宣布將於5月26日14: 00發布Redmi Note10系列而此次的稱號被改為“旗艦小金剛”將搭載旗艦芯片。5月21日上午官方首次公佈了Redmi Note10的實拍圖片其中顯示該機似乎繼承了此前小米11雷軍簽名版的設計背部呈現出帶有紋理的漸變效果而後置三攝則採用了類似小米10S的豎向三攝模組

榮耀HONOR 50真機照曝光首發驍龍778G 新配色搶眼

在5月21日的高通技術與合作峰會上榮耀CEO趙明宣布榮耀50系列將全球首發搭載驍龍778G移動平台而榮耀50 Pro+則有望搭載驍龍888旗艦芯片榮耀HONOR 50系列除了擁有最新流出的類似土豪金的顏色外還將霽風藍和櫻語粉等多款配色。Appearance,榮耀50系列後攝ID設計借鑒了全球知名品牌卡地亞戒環的設計

Vivo TWS 2 Series True Wireless Headphones Released

2021May 20,The vivo TWS 2 true wireless earphones featuring "good sound quality and quiet listening" are officially released。As vivo's first true wireless headset equipped with active noise reduction,Vivo TWS 2 not only provides professional sound quality performance,And it also provides up to 40dB noise reduction depth,And support intelligent dynamic noise reduction,Let the noise reduction function of vivo TWS 2 have the intelligent performance of "automatic transmission"。Not only that,vivo TWS 2 can also provide users with a better wireless experience,such as endurance、Faster and more stable connection and smarter control, etc.,

glory&Qualcomm joins forces! Honor 50 series debuts Snapdragon 778G globally

521st,在2021高通技術與合作峰會上榮耀CEO趙明作為嘉賓壓軸登場,Zhao Ming said,榮耀50系列將全球首發搭載驍龍778G移動平台,Simultaneously,榮耀後續將會在各個消費終端使用高通公司的產品包括手機、watch、筆記本等。It is reported that,榮耀50系列將於6月正式發布除了首發驍龍778G外還有望加入100W快充的支持從宣稱榮耀50系列渲染圖來看榮耀50系列至少將擁有紫色、blue、粉色三款配色

源自索尼微單相機技術——Sony Xperia 1 III中國版發布

2021May 20,索尼中國宣布推出5G智能新旗艦Sony Xperia 1 III,新品搭載索尼首款配備雙PD傳感器的潛望式可變長焦鏡頭以及4K HDR OLED 120Hz刷新率屏幕在影像方面實現創新性新突破作為One Sony黑科技的集大成者,Sony Xperia 1 III將通過豐富的新功能給用戶帶來影音娛樂各方面出色的體驗

Sony Xperia 1 III China version released - the world's first 4K&120Hz mobile phone

2021On the afternoon of May 20, 2019, Sony released the new generation flagship Sony Xperia during the Sony EXPO in Shanghai. 1 III。Sony Xperia 1 III equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor,Using 4500mAh battery,The matching 30W charger can charge the phone to 50% in 30 minutes.;Sony Xperia 1 III uses a 6.5-inch screen,The resolution is 4K and also supports 120Hz refresh rate;Sony Xperia 1 III retains the 3.5mm audio interface,And external dual speakers,The volume is 40% higher than the previous generation;Shooting,Sony Xperia 1 III is fully calibrated by the camera department,The lens adopts Zeiss T* coating standard,The telephoto lens is a periscope variable telephoto lens,Switchable between 70mm and 105mm focal lengths。

Huawei FreeBuds 4 review:Finally broke through the two major problems of semi-in-ear noise reduction

華為FreeBuds 4讓自己的半開放主動降噪技術來到了2.0時代在半入耳耳機上運用了AEM人耳自適應降噪技術雙麥克風混合降噪兩項技術將半入耳主動降噪技術的提升到了新的高度華為FreeBuds 4實現了空氣感舒適佩戴配合高解析音質智慧連接方式高清錄音等新興場場景下的應用補齊TWS耳機行業生態

雙麥克風混合降噪!華為Freebuds 4正式發布更舒服的降噪耳機

202119 May,在華為全場景智慧生活新品發佈會上華為帶來了華為Freebuds 4。華為FreeBuds 4搭載了全新升級的半開放主動降噪2.0技術半入耳的設計華為FreeBuds 4還使用了雙麥克風混合降噪降噪深度高達25dB華為FreeBuds 4通過低頻增強引擎與14.3mm直徑大動圈單元使頻響範圍高達40kHz帶來高解析音質

官宣OPPO Reno6系列即將登場首發聯發科天璣900

5月19日OPPO宣布將於5月27日發布OPPO Reno6系列新機OPPO Reno6系列包含三款OPPO Reno6OPPO Reno6 Pro和OPPO Reno6 Pro+OPPO Reno6首發搭載聯發科天璣900處理器OPPO Reno6 Pro搭載了天璣1200旗艦處理器OPPO Reno6 Pro+搭載高通驍龍870旗艦處理器