Xiaomi/OPPO/vivo/OnePlus/Realme/Meizu and other 14 manufacturers will launch Snapdragon 888 5G mobile phone

Qualcomm officially released the Snapdragon 888 flagship platform processor at the 2020 Snapdragon Technology Summit,Will support the next generation of flagship smartphones。Provides a fully integrated 5G modem。at the tech summit,Qualcomm announced,including ASUS、black shark、Lenovo、LG、meizu、Motorola、Nubia、realme、OnePlus、OPPO、sharp、vivo、Android smartphone OEMs including Xiaomi and ZTE are developing 5G smartphones based on Qualcomm Snapdragon 888。

Motorola shows off phone with smart TV interface and desktop mode

Video from Qualcomm's Snapdragon launch event shows,Motorola will bring Qualcomm 800-series 'experience' to its popular Moto G phone,And introduce new TV UI type and desktop computer mode on its smartphone。And this Motorola smartphone could be the Moto G10。

Find X3將成OPPO新機皇 或將搭載全新雙主攝鏡頭 支持3K+高刷荧幕

作為旗艦機OPPO還在工程機上測試了全新雙主攝方案搭載索尼定制的IMX7xx感測器將會獲得更高的點數及大底超廣角。 also,在本月18日的OPPO未來科技大會上OPPO正式推出了全鏈路色彩管理系統該系統包含全連結10bit及色彩管理兩大核心技術值得期待的是OPPO表示Find X3系列將會首發搭載該系統

OPPO全鏈路色彩管理系統详解 将最先用于OPPO Find X3系列

OPPO宣佈其全路徑色彩管理系統將作為其2021旗艦手機oppofindx3系列的一部分首次亮相。The company said,該系統是首個支持DCI-P3寬色域和10bit顏色深度的Android顏色管理系統從捕獲存儲和顯示都支持這將提供一個“出色的觀看體驗”與“真實和準確的色彩還原”

Sony Xperia 10 The III could be Sony's first mid-range 5G phone

Sony Xperia 10 III將配備Snapdragon 690晶片組該晶片組採用了8nm工藝具有兩個Cortex-A77衍生的大內核和六個基於A55的小內核以及一個Adreno 619L GPU支持在120 Hz下運行的1080p +顯示器作為5G SoC這款晶片還配備了X51數據機它通過6級以下5G連接支持2.5 Gbps下行連結並在LTE上支持1.2 Gbps

huawei near 50 Hongmeng Beta testing will start in the middle of next month as soon as possible

將會有48款華為產品可以升級鴻蒙 2.0 system,當中包括華為和旗下子品牌 Honor 的智能手機平板電腦和智能手錶。 which includes 3 款尚未發佈的手機華為 Nova 8 和 Nova 8 Pro,還有 Honor V40

OPPO X 2021 telescopic scroll screen mobile phone released

OPPO於今日舉辦未來科技大會並在大會上正式公佈OPPO AR Glass 2021以及OPPO X 2021卷軸屏概念手機!在發佈會的前面OPPO宣佈將於12月12日發佈50W超閃餅乾充電器!OPPO X 2021卷軸屏概念機帶來了一種新的手機形式搭載一塊伸縮自如可大可小的無級OLED柔性卷軸屏可以像捲簾一樣以零折痕的形式卷起。OPPO said,OPPO X 2021卷軸屏概念機是他們探索手機形式的最新成果

OPPO new mobile phone patent exposure:The screen can be retracted and hidden under the screen

外媒 LetsGoDigital 發現了一份 OPPO 申請的新專利顯示 OPPO 似乎正在開發可伸縮型的智能手機態看該機與目前主流機型沒啥區別但通過將長邊壓縮(或指拉伸捲曲等方式)進行摺疊最小狀態下預計接近整機的一半體積

120How to choose between Hz LCD and 60Hz AMOLED mobile phone screen

Let's take a look at LCD 120Hz first / Advantages and disadvantages of AMOLED 60Hz screen。LCD is a lower cost screen type than AMOLED,On the contrary, AMOLED is expensive,But it has advantages in many aspects。From the viewing effect,compared to LCD screen,Better color rendering (including blacks) on AMOLED screens,If you like to use dark mode,AMOLED screen can definitely meet your needs。