OPPO Reno5 Pro gaming performance evaluation

For many mobile gamers,The most important thing about a mobile phone is the mobile phone experience when playing games,OPPO Reno5 Pro is such a mobile phone that can bring players an excellent gaming experience。From the actual game performance of OPPO Reno5 Pro, we can see that,In addition to having a very good experience in portrait video technology, this mobile phone。You can still have such an excellent experience in various games。It can be said that the game was done on the OPPO Reno5 Pro、Very good audio and video experience,It is a flagship phone full of sincerity at the end of the year。

OPPO showcases new concept designs such as foldable slider phones through nendo

領先的智慧設備公司OPPO在第四届中國國際工業設計博覽會(CIIDE)上展示了基於其以人為本的設計理念的多個新概念設計這些概念設計是由Oki Sato創立的日本領先的設計工作室nendo為OPPO創建的這些來自OPPO和nendo之間的緊密合作探索了未來設計的可能性在展覽期間OPPO還展示了一系列經典產品設計包括可折疊成不同尺寸形狀的概念“滑蓋手機”和“音樂連結”的概念設計

OPPO Reno5 Pro battery life and charging evaluation

OPPO Reno5 Pro可以說是現時將輕薄續航和快充三者兼具最佳的手機之一在如此輕薄的機身裏塞入了4350mAh電池基本上滿足了我們日常一天的電量需求而65W超級閃充則可以看做是續航的第二重保障利用刷牙洗臉吃午飯這樣的碎片化時間就可以將手機充滿完全無需佔用我們正常使用手機的時間就能够保證電量始終處於讓你足够安心的水准所以在續航充電這一方面OPPO Reno5 Pro堪稱同價位最佳選擇

OPPO Reno5 Pro detailed review

作為全新OPPO FDF全維人像視頻科技系統的先遣驗證者Reno5 Pro也是OPPO多年美顏科技積累的一次初期釋放其中的感知人像和畫質增强兩大引擎分別針對人像拍攝時的人物主體和整體畫面進行針對性優化實現人美景美的拍攝效果適應單人多人,daytime、at night、逆光等等各種場景的創作自由雖然充電功率維持為65W的Super VOOC 2.0,但其實際充電速度同樣有較大幅度優化Reno5 Pro是綠廠已量產作品之中充電功率最高充電速度最快的手機之一

OPPO Reno5 Pro評測

OPPO Reno5 Pro採用了6.55英寸雙曲面柔性打孔屏設計配備有天璣1000+雙模5G晶片荧幕支持90Hz刷新率後置6400萬超清四攝、65W超級閃充以及5G手機中少有的173g輕薄設計實測其65W超級閃充可不到半小時就可以完全充滿電搭載了FDF全維人像視頻科技系統支持8重100級自定義美顏調節和AI視頻增强視頻超級防抖和AI定制化美顏

OPPO Officially Releases OPPO Reno5 Series Smartphones

剛剛OPPO正式發佈OPPO Reno5系列產品產品主打輕薄和人像視頻拍攝OPPO Reno5系列前置3200萬點數水光鏡頭後置6400萬點數水光人像四攝其3200萬點數前置攝像頭支持視頻超級防抖AI煥彩視頻美顏以及AI視頻增强科技全系系均搭載高集成度雙模5G晶片同時相容SA/NSA兩種5G組網模式覆蓋全球主流5G頻段具有90Hz刷新率、180Hz touch sampling rate、立體液冷散熱第六代屏下指紋等其全系搭載OPPO 65W超級閃充技術充電更快便於我們充分利用生活和工作中的碎片化時間為其進行快速充電

OPPO Reno5系列徹底解決人像視頻拍攝的各種痛點

OPPO宣佈OPPO Reno5系列將於12月10日正式發佈這次OPPO Reno5系列定位是人像視頻拍攝手機包含OPPO Reno5OPPO Reno5 Pro和OPPO Reno5 Pro+OPPO Reno5系列的第一大看點人像視頻拍攝。official emphasis,OPPO Reno5系列首發搭載FDF全維人像視頻科技系統一招解决人像視頻拍攝的各種痛點

Xiaomi Mi 11 renders exposed:Launched with Snapdragon 888

Renderings of Xiaomi Mi 11 show that the machine has a rear triple camera design。It is reported that,Xiaomi Mi 11 series debut with Snapdragon 888 processor,Four-curved screen design,The whole system supports 120Hz screen refresh rate,Expected to offer up to 2K resolution,And it is expected to support super fast charging above 100W。

The Moto G10 could end up being Motorola's new flagship phone

Motorola's next flagship smartphone may not be able to compete with other contenders in early 2021。but,That doesn't mean it won't be able to top what Motorola has offered so far。At the Qualcomm Snapdragon Summit,Motorola Mobility president Sergio Bunaker talks bringing the chipmaker's 800-series to the Moto G,This might even be Motorola's biggest attempt at a flagship experience。According to the promotional video displayed by Motorola,,New flagship phone will come with smart TV interface and desktop PC mode。