HUAWEI MateBook X Pro 2021 Review:More than 11th Generation Core,And smart office

Compared with the previous generation, Huawei MateBook X Pro 2021 has not changed much in design,continued lightness、Sophisticated and high-end business style,Its high screen-to-body ratio on all four sides is still unique among the current thin and light products。inside the fuselage,HUAWEI MateBook X Pro 2021 has a big improvement,The first is to upgrade the 11th generation Core TM processor,Significant improvement in performance and power consumption control,Simultaneously,Huawei MateBook X Pro 2021 has also made great improvements in the internal cooling structure,Using the third-generation shark fin dual fans and ultra-thin VC cooling technology,Better performance in cooling。

realme V15 "Koi" mobile phone evaluation

Compared with V5 released half a year ago,The upgrade of realme V15 is very obvious,Especially the new "koi color",Bold and innovative color matching will definitely be the choice of young people who pursue individual aesthetics,to a certain degree, "Koi carp" mobile phone also carries young people's vision and yearning for a better future。experience,50W fast charging and 65W charger are very sincere configurations,Let the cost performance of realme V15 be further improved。For friends who pursue cost performance and individual beauty,realme V15 is a good choice。

iQOO 7 Detailed evaluation:Full speed horizontal screen flagship,All-round e-sports experience

iQOO 7 can be summed up very well in three words - that is, the title of "full speed,Horizontal screen,flagship"。High-end process design、Snapdragon 888、Enhanced version of LPDDR5、UFS 3.1 meets the flagship attributes of iQOO 7 mobile phones,The standard 120W fast charge and the BMW "M" element in the design emphasize the inherent "fastness" of iQOO 7;such as "Double Duck、two horses、The addition of "Shuangyang",Enrich the horizontal screen experience of iQOO 7,Strengthen the e-sports attributes of mobile phones。

Realme V15 experience

realme V15(True Me V15)As the first mobile phone released in the Chinese market in 2021,It really made a good start for this year's mobile phone market.,Not only has a trendy body design,The performance configuration is also fully upgraded;Nishikigoi color、The colors of Crescent Silver and Mirror Lake Blue are both remarkable.,50W smart flash charge and SuperAMOLED screen make the user experience more enjoyable in the game,The image has also reached the flagship level of a thousand yuan machine,It can be said that realme V15 is not only an upgrade compared to the previous generation,It even said that the overall level of the thousand-yuan machine has been raised again.。

Huawei Mate 40 Pro Leica vs vivo X60 Pro Zeiss

vivo X60 Pro的表現也是可圈可點特別是“vivo蔡司聯合影像系統”的搭載帶來了濃郁通透的成像效果華為Mate40 Pro在麒麟9000晶片强大算力和先進算灋的加持下輕鬆應對運動防抖AI跟拍雙景錄影實时視頻HDR、240fps慢動作等功能並且華為Mate40 Pro通過麒麟9000晶片的超强4核ISP實現了XDFusion硬體實时視頻HDR能力,通過該能力用戶在拍攝視頻時可以獲得更均衡的曝光效果高清畫質以及精准的色彩呈現

iQOO 7 charging experience, fully charged in only 14 minutes

我們對iQOO 7進行了充電測試結果顯示iQOO 7僅需要約14分鐘就能將手機的電量充至100%在5分鐘和10分鐘時則分別可以充入43%、84%的電量除了堪稱極致的充電速度之外iQOO 7擁有由高通驍龍888晶片增强版UFS 3.1超快閃存增强版LPDDR5組成的新一代效能鐵三角。In general,iQOO 7擁有極致效能均衡配寘並可以妥善解决5G時代的續航問題是一款適合大多數朋友的優秀產品

iQOO 7 user experience evaluation

iQOO 7在繼續强化遊戲體驗的同時在效能、design、影像等方面有了比較全面的進步拍照上捨棄了長焦但是三攝每一顆都實實在在的有用日常影像體驗比較不錯在iQOO 7上iQOO已經將遊戲體驗做出了差异化從120Hz荧幕到雙揚聲器從雙線性馬達再到屏下雙控按壓還有至關重要的一點,excellent cooling,手機溫控控制的非常優秀。In general,iQOO 7的更新換代還是很成功的

vivo X60 Pro review:Professional Imaging Flagship of the Year

vivo X60 Pro不僅在蔡司光學素養加持下具有更加優秀的專業旗艦級影像能力還可憑藉前沿的效能續航能力穩定高速5G網絡連接以及自然簡潔易用的OriginOS顯著提升日常使用體驗優雅端莊專業大氣的工藝設計以及精確護眼的螢幕顯示能力則將手機美感強勢加滿。It can be said,vivo X60 Pro不愧為vivo在新年之際帶來的最富有誠意的年度獻禮之作是vivo 2020年技術創新的集大成者

vivo X60 Pro深度評測

Integrated CPU、GPU的表現作為全新次旗艦的三星Exynos 1080現時在快科技手機SoC的排名已經超過了上一代年度旗艦驍龍865驍龍865 Plus這讓vivo X60 Pro的效能有了空前的躍升蔡司影像系統的加入讓vivo x60 pro在映射上更上一層結合藍廠一貫強勢打造的輕薄外觀推到重來重新出發的OriginOS該機將線上下市場成為一款競爭力滿滿的重要產品