Honor’s first model after independence—Ten Highlights of Honor V40

作為榮耀獨立後的首款機型榮耀V40沒有完全捨棄以往的設計風格同時又在工藝設計屏幕素質和高幀遊​​戲體驗等方面帶來了新體驗整機的堆料在均衡的基礎上有所突破它是榮耀面對當前特殊市場環境所能拿出的誠意之作新工藝撞色設計、120Hz refresh rate、10100 million original color display、5000Megapixel main camera、雙線性馬達GPU Turbo X圖形加速雙揚聲器以及66W有線+50W無線雙快充各方面配置挑不出明顯短板同時還在該價位段用新潮外觀高幀遊戲打出了差異化亮點

Honor V40 review:10Billion colors waterfall screen,The black technology GTX engine is more than fast for playing games

榮耀V40上搭載了Magic UI 4.0、GPU Turbo X 圖形加速引擎、4000毫安加66W有線快充/50W無線超級快充採取了單電芯三極快充方案外觀上的大膽創新性能上的穩中求進流暢細膩的10-bit屏幕讓人舒適的雙超級快充等等這些都是榮耀V40給我們帶來的全面體驗雖千萬人吾往矣榮耀V40作為榮耀的開年之作它的出現也在表示著榮耀的決心即使強敵環伺榮耀也會在未來為不斷輸出其高端定位且全面優秀的產品而努力

vivo X60 Pro Plus詳細評測-可能是目前最強的5G影像手機

vivo X60 Pro+就是一款主打拍照的“超大杯”5G手機新鮮出爐的驍龍888旗艦晶片蔡司光學、Micro gimbal anti-shake、1/1.3英寸大底感測器和雙長焦镜头等高端配寘讓人目不暇接本文將從vivo X60 Pro Plus的外觀、image、電池續航、game performance、OriginOS互動等方面進行測評並與iPhone 12 Pro Max影像效能進行對比

Honor V40 5G mobile phone detailed evaluation

榮耀V40作為新榮耀的首款旗艦5G出其不意的讓顏值質感成為大殺器它帶來了榮耀史上最好屏幕——10bit(8+2bit)10億色原彩顯示、120Hz refresh rate、 300Hz採樣率的80°超曲面屏幕機身薄至8.04mm標準版重量僅為186g兩者疊加之後極具眼緣兒實測30分鐘左右即可讓電池充满的66W有線快充使HONOR V40的的用戶可以應對續航焦慮極具實用價值對單電芯方案的堅守也體現了榮耀綜合電池壽命創新技術的全面綜合考慮。Except for fast charging、image、design、GPU Turbo技術屏幕等多個基本面用戶甚至還能在HONOR V40這台手機上體驗到榮耀毫不吝嗇給予的雙線性馬達AI翻译雙揚聲器等走心細節

How about vivo X60 Pro+? Is it easy to use? Vivo X60 Pro+ review

The ultra-wide-angle image achieved by the vivo X60 Pro+ is the most powerful I have ever seen,It has the specifications that the general flagship main camera has.,And on this basis, it supports 14mm equivalent focal length to achieve 114-degree ultra-wide-angle shooting without correction,Plus a night scene algorithm specially tuned for super wide-angle,In the case of comparable image quality,The vivo X60 Pro+ can shoot ultra-clear and ultra-wide-angle night scene images that are about 3 times the field of view of the main camera of the X60 Pro,It's not shocking。X60 Pro also has some features such as linear motor、Small regrets in details such as fast charging,Then the X60 Pro+ uses the linear motor、55The addition of W fast charging makes up for the last experience that is not a short board,Comprehensive performance platform、imaging system、high-end texture,Vivo's X60 Pro+ has been quite successful,In particular, the cooperation with Zeiss can be regarded as a great sublimation of the results of image exploration in recent years,Worthy of recognition。

vivo X60 Pro Plus review:Possibly the strongest main camera system at present

vivo X60 Pro+ is a product with "one super and more powerful"。"One super" means that everyone is excellent,But vivo is particularly prominent is the image。Dual main camera system,Plus Zeiss optics and T* coating,It adds enough weight to this product that is positioned as a professional image。vivo X60 Pro+(vivo X60 Pro Plus)Performance has the flagship combination of Snapdragon 888+LPDDR5+UFS 3.1;Designed with eco-friendly plain leather、Double-layer module design and a weight of about 190g;The system brings a brand new OriginOS。without any exaggeration,The vivo X60 Pro Plus has brought me many surprises。

iQOO 7 gaming performance experience

iQOO 7 is the first all-round flagship mobile phone to be released in the beginning of 2021,It combines powerful performance with a great experience,Whether it is a competitive game or a multi-scenario application,Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 with 120Hz high refresh screen can provide us with the ultimate operating experience;At the same time, it has the blessing of OriginOS For iQOO and 120W super fast charging,It also makes iQOO 7 a flagship mobile phone that can carry and play in 2021.、A general-level player who can show off and operate。

iQOO 7 comprehensive review

The product idea of ​​iQOO 7 is actually a subversion of this traditional strategy。True,The advantage of traditional strategies is insurance,The products created have a low chance of "turnover"。But if you look at the position like iQOO 7、next opponent,It can make the flagship product have characteristics without "rolling over"。And what's special here isn't different for the sake of being different,But to give consumers a more comprehensive、better experience。The next evolution of flagship phones,The idea of ​​building products like iQOO 7 is needed。iQOO 7 is equipped with OriginOS。

Huawei MateBook X Pro 2021 review:Full screen、Strong performance,Smart experience is equally good

Huawei MateBook X Pro 2021 not only has powerful performance,It has a refined appearance,And in terms of smart experience,Multi-screen collaboration function and upgrade of Huawei cloud services,It also brings users a more efficient office pipeline,Let users better experience the third-generation mobile office。