OPPO Find N3 Flip Review :Vertical folding mobile phone benchmark product

說起豎折手機大家總會下意識地將其與女性用戶關聯起來雖然聽起來顯得有些刻板印象但不可否認的是這些小巧精緻的小傢伙在小姐姐的手裡確實更加賞心悅目而說到豎折手機中輕巧好看的代表OPPO Find N2 Flip無疑是我心中不錯的選擇剛剛發布的換代產品 OPPO Find N3 Flip ,Building on the previous generation,Find N3 Flip加入了一顆高素質人像鏡頭在外屏玩法性能等方面也全面升級至於使用體驗如何接下來就來看 OPPO Find N3 Flip 評測

For a mobile phone with an up and down folding screen,外觀上無疑需要精雕細琢才能在輕巧與好手感中獲得平衡而本次OPPO Find N3 Flip給出了一份高分答卷

OPPO Find N3 Flip採用了當下流行的直角邊框設計方案但與上代產品不同Find N3 Flip此次針對背板線條進行了全新優化以行業極限的75°超弧玻璃曲線風格點亮柔和造型整機握持手感溫潤如玉配合鑽石高光刀分割出的挺立棱線,柔和中飽含堅定機身更顯纖薄精巧

In addition to the smooth body back panel,將OPPO Find N3 Flip折疊後的第二形態也非常美觀,Benefit from the advantages of right-angled bezels,Make the whole machine look more integrated。而在鉸鏈處OPPO Find N3 Flip採用了類磨砂材質的圖層,The water wave texture is presented through the refraction of sunlight,Makes the look more vibrant。

說到鉸鏈相信不少用戶都對它的可靠性十分關注OPPO Find N3 Flip採用了超韌精工擬椎式鉸鏈,Aerospace-grade alloy materials with high strength are selected,the cam in the hinge、slide rail、These core components of gears are integrated。also,In order to save more internal space in the hinge design, a two-section slide rail scheme is adopted,Compared to most folding schemes,There is more free space inside the fuselage。

後攝模組部分Find N3 Flip參考了精奢腕錶的月相佈局點綴同心光影紋理打造別具格的精緻風範進發節律感的180個階梯型風琴紋刻度設計讓影像旗艦Find X6系列的專業影像設計語言在Find N3 Flip中再度延續並成為Find N3 Flip標誌性的視覺元素

It is worth mentioning that,Find N3 Flip第一次搭載了三段式靜音按鍵按鍵上雕刻了精緻的菱形紋理單手輕輕撥動即可免於打擾日常使用中相當優雅

After unfolding the phone,21 selected for the inner screen:9The golden ratio is easier to use,Not only the fuselage is more slender,Also has the natural advantage of a wide field of view,Bring experience guarantee to the use of mobile phones。also,屏幕其實也有設計上的小心思OPPO Find N3 Flip通過對屏幕比例的嚴格把控,Make the fuselage more delicate and ingenious。

OPPO Find N3 Flip還為大家帶來了三款潮流的配色分別為月光繆斯薄霧玫瑰以及鏡中之夜。this time,我們拿到的是主打配色月光繆斯,The back of the fuselage uses a combination of high-gloss glass and AG atomized diaphragm,為大家呈現出了清晰又朦朧的淡金色

OPPO Find N3 Flip小巧精緻且樣式百搭,It can be said to be a fashion item among technological products.。Whether it's in a cool coat pocket,Still with the makeup box lipstick,OPPO Find N3 Flip都可以輕鬆貼合氣質,Resonate with the trend-seeking heart of young people who pursue fashion。


this time,OPPO Find N3 Flip搭載了了全新的三攝影像系統分別由5000萬像素主攝以及4800 萬像素超廣角鏡頭以及3200萬像素2X人像鏡頭組成。The inner screen also brings you a 32-megapixel super-sensitive cat-eye front lens。no matter the scenery、人像還是靜物都能找到較為適合的拍攝方案

Find N3 Flip首次搭載2X人像攝像頭第一次為後置自拍帶來50mm 的黃金人像焦段這是專業相機的經典人像焦段之一具備與人眼接近的無畸變視角帶來人物更聚焦的輕鬆構圖方式。3200 萬像素帶來的出眾畫質超光影圖像引擎帶來的自然光影配合隔空手勢快門和外屏預覽現在無需他人幫助就能為自己拍出傑出的人像大片

In the ordinary day sample,OPPO Find N3 Flip的表現自然不會出錯,Under the premise of ensuring true and natural colors,Tolerance is also good enough。不容忽視的是在大光比場景下OPPO Find N3 Flip不會再強求保留所有細節而是會有選擇地犧牲一部分極亮或極暗處的細節來保證整張照片的光影效果整體觀感更加貼近真實所見

在暗光場景上OPPO Find N3 Flip的表現同樣令人驚艷不同於這幾年流行的“夜視儀”風格OPPO Find N3 Flip在暗光下的成片在整體觀感上能讓你感覺到這是夜晚但同時也能呈現出足夠豐富的暗部細節感覺上拿捏得不錯

另外在拍攝過程中我還發現了一個細節大多數手機在拍攝後立即點進預覽都會有一個計算的過程在計算完成後往往會直接讓整張照片改頭換面但OPPO Find N3 Flip在同樣的計算過後並不會讓人感覺到整張照片劇烈變化而是只有極亮或極暗處會出現明顯的改變並且也不會出現不自然的情況

長焦是這次OPPO Find N3 Flip在影像上的另一賣點。in actual experience,硬件配置的提升確實帶來了體驗上的飛躍OPPO Find N3 Flip的長焦鏡頭不論在白天還是夜晚都能提供不錯的解析力表現在暗光場景下也不會出現滿屏噪點的情況

借助這顆高像素傳感器OPPO Find N3 Flip還額外提供了一個5倍長焦選項從實際樣張來看效果幾乎可以媲美5倍光學變焦鏡頭

OPPO Find N3 Flip搭載了旗艦同款的哈蘇人像模式支持1倍和2倍兩個焦段的人像模式拍攝分別模擬了哈蘇經典的中畫幅鏡頭XCD30與XCD80

說到人像模式最關鍵的就是虛化虛化效果的好壞直接決定了成片的好壞Find N3 Flip的哈蘇人像模式模擬了專業相機焦平面虛化的物理特性不是一股腦拍平背景而是呈現真實的漸進式虛化。besides,在人像模式的傳統難點髮絲上Find N3 Flip的表現也相當不錯模特頭上的碎發都能很好地處理邊緣細節也拿捏的十分精準

OPPO Find N3 Flip支持多角度懸停拍攝,Can realize 45°-110° hovering to adjust the shooting angle at will,we can unfold the phone,Hover to any angle,No need to manually press the shutter,Easy selfie。OPPO Find N3 Flip前置採用了3200萬像素影像系統,Cooperate with post-optimization,You can be beautiful without makeup。

When everyone turns on preview mode,,OPPO Find N3 Flip就可以實現後置自拍,Use the main camera to preserve the rich details of the photo,You can also observe in real time what you look like under the camera,The picture effect has also been greatly improved。If you want to achieve multi-person shooting in the same frame,也可以利用手機的後置超廣角鏡頭進行自拍


External screen:精心優化好用又好玩

說到豎折手機外屏肯定是繞不開的話題隨著豎向折疊機的不斷發展各大廠商也開始在外屏的設計上不斷探索而OPPO Find N3 Flip上的這塊豎向大外屏無疑是其中獨樹一幟的存在

其3.2 6英寸的尺寸已經可以滿足用戶輕度使用的需求而豎向的設計也更符合用戶的操作習慣。It is worth mentioning that,得益於一體無縫設計OPPO Find N3 Flip的外屏黑邊寬度僅有0.3mm使用起來沉浸感相當強

對於豎折手機來說外屏好用與否至關重要一塊有著充分軟件優化的外屏既可以讓手機更好用也可以讓使用更有趣味性在Find N3 Flip上OPPO創新設計了任意窗應用中心以應用抽屜取代了傳統外屏低效的卡片切換讓應用打開快人一步

Find N3 Flip同時可以在外屏自定義小組件,weather、Step count、電量信息和常用APP 一眼速覽更可通過點擊小組件直達應用卡片讓效率輕鬆翻倍ColorOS內建的小佈建議也能根據用戶當前場景下的需要推送即將出行的高鐵航班信息或是讓外賣配送進度躍然眼前提供想你所想的全場景智能服務

對於豎摺機型越來越大的外屏不少用戶都希望能在上面直接使用應用針對這一訴求Find N3 Flip適配了更多第三方高頻應用口袋播放器支持進度控制播放列表並覆蓋QQ音樂、NetEase Cloud Music、酷狗音樂等

我個人更喜歡的是這次深度定制的小紅書在此前瀏覽點讚的基礎上Find N3 Flip還支持查看評論和內容詳情讓外屏使用和內屏一樣方便

In addition to the above functions,OPPO Find N3 Flip外屏為大家帶來了可愛的聯動寵物壁紙、You can customize the display mode according to your usage,It also incorporates a variety of interesting decompression games,You can customize the GIF wallpaper according to your own needs,Create an exclusive external screen。

In general,OPPO Find N3 Flip在前代產品的基礎進一步挖掘了外屏的更多玩法不僅可以使用眾多第三方應用,also brings an updated interactive experience,同時超大的外屏也為它帶來了更多的優勢


OPPO Find N3 Flip的性能表現。processor,OPPO Find N3 Flip搭載了天璣9200旗艦處理器輔以LPDDR5UFS3.1的內存組合基本可以暢快運行絕大多數的主流應用和遊戲

Judging from the running scores,OPPO Find N3 Flip的性能釋放水平還是比較充分的不論是安兔兔還是3D Mark基本和直板性能旗艦處在同一水平上

遊戲測試環節我們選擇了《原神》進行測試,In a game with a full frame of 60 frames,OPPO Find N3 Flip的平均幀率高達44.9幀。There is no lag during the entire game、Frequency reduction,保證了較為流暢的遊戲體驗。The frame rate curve is also very smooth,No major fluctuations,Especially when fighting monsters and team fights,Still guarantees a stable frame rate。

In addition to the excellent gaming experience,Want to change folding screen devices from "common use" to "reuse",The fluency of daily use cannot be ignored。OPPO Find N3 Flip預裝了最新的ColorOS 13操作系統,Benefit from the advantages of the new system for underlying optimization,Let the mobile phone get a comprehensive improvement in terms of fluency。

ColorOS13的優勢在於可以藉助超算平台通過算力模型和並行計算,In order to solve the unreasonable allocation of resources、The two major problems of memory usage conflicts。These two phenomena are very common in our daily use of the machine。ColorOS 13 can finely schedule resources,Effectively prevent the phone from freezing、crash、Black screen and other issues。

also,ColorOS 13 also uses the design idea of ​​microkernel,Parallelization of operations such as memory allocation and recycling。Allow high-priority tasks to reclaim free memory in parallel,Ensure smooth operation of high-priority tasks,Achieve a smooth experience in heavy-duty multi-tasking scenarios。


在Find N3 Flip上OPPO為其配備了專利的合蓋雙層耦合增強技術結合智能天線切換系統2.0可以有效提升手機的信號表現根據OPPO官方的數據智選天線技術讓Find N3 Flip天線性能提升200%在合蓋狀態下的下載速率提升300%

battery life:一天一充沒問題

雖然OPPO Find N3 Flip有著十分輕薄的機身,However, due to the advantages of the ultra-light and solid Seiko quasi-vertical hinge, the space inside the fuselage is more abundant.。OPPO Find N3 Flip內置了一塊4300mAh大電池,It also brings you a 44W fast charging solution。

next,I will pass the five-hour endurance test and the 30-minute fast charge test,帶大家綜合了解OPPO Find N3 Flip的續航表現

Pass the five-hour heavy battery life test,OPPO Find N3 Flip的剩餘電量為48%,Battery life is very strong,Excellent power optimization。Among them, the power consumption in the camera test item is the highest,The rest of the test items are within the normal range,In the Taobao project,OPPO Find N3 Flip表現的最為出色。In general,OPPO Find N3 Flip所搭載的這款4300mAh大容量電池可以滿足大家重度使用一天的需求

Pass charging test,我們不難發現OPPO Find N3 Flip在電量快耗盡的情況下,Ability to provide short-term rapid energy replenishment for everyone,It only takes five minutes to replenish 14% of the phone's power。30The phone can be charged to more than 60% in minutes,Such charging efficiency is very good for a charging power of 44W。

for a long time,There has always been a close relationship between fashion design and technological innovation,豎折手機的流行就是最好的例子而剛剛發布的 OPPO Find N3 Flip在延續時尚輕巧外觀的同時,Further optimization based on the pain points of target users,Brings flagship-level portrait shooting capabilities,證明了OPPO深厚的技術積累

從Find N3 Flip上能看到OPPO對用戶痛點的深入洞察與強大的產品定義能力。on the one hand,The insistence on the large vertical external screen makes OPPO Find N3 Flip easier in daily use;on the other hand,The professional imaging inherited from the Find X6 series has brought a breakthrough in imaging capabilities for vertical folding models,Become a film-making artifact in the hands of young ladies。再次進化的Find N3 Flip無疑是OPPO在折疊屏市場中的又一次突破也是豎折手機中當之無愧的標杆產品

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