AnTuTu's March Android Phone Performance List

Recently,多款搭載聯發科天璣9000的旗艦機發佈性能和能效的雙重突破贏得了市場口碑改變了高通驍龍8Gen1在旗艦市場的一家獨大局面。According to AnTuTu's March Android Phone Performance Ranking,OPPO Find X5 Pro Dimensity Edition and Redmi K50 Pro equipped with Dimensity 9000 both top the flagship mobile phone performance rankings,Among them, the Redmi K50 Pro ranks in the top five,OPPO Find X5 Pro Dimensity Edition ranks in the top ten。


天璣9000作為聯發科發佈的旗艦級處理器率先採用了先進的台積電4nm製程和Armv9架構八核CPU由1個頻率高達3.05GHz的X2超大核、3Composed of a 2.85GHz Cortex-A710 large core and 4 Cortex-A510 energy-efficient cores,Built-in 14MB large-capacity cache combination, Provides unprecedented core computing power support for the performance of Android phones。

GPU side,Dimensity 9000 is equipped with Arm Mali-G710 flagship ten-core GPU,It can help the graphics rendering capabilities of flagship mobile phones to achieve new breakthroughs,Bring users more smooth、Realistic game screen。

At present, many professional media have evaluated the Dimensity 9000 terminal,In games such as "Glory of the King" and "Yuan Shen",Terminals equipped with Dimensity 9000 have achieved near-full frame performance,And in the fuselage temperature control、Power consumption and other aspects are also leading in the Android camp。

Dimensity 9000

Behind the substantial upgrade of energy efficiency of Dimensity 9000,It is MediaTek's unique global energy efficiency optimization technology。 MediaTek's global energy efficiency optimization technology can identify application scenarios with different load intensities,By formulating corresponding energy efficiency curves for each IP module,Get through the collaborative operation between various modules,Allow each core to work together to complete more tasks at lower power consumption。

With the blessing of global energy efficiency optimization technology,The flagship mobile phone equipped with Dimensity 9000, whether it is in the continuous game experience,still socializing、In daily light use scenarios such as chasing dramas,Both can continue to provide high-performance smooth experience with lower power consumption。

Simultaneously,The higher energy efficiency performance of Dimensity 9000 solves the problem of high performance and high power consumption in the flagship mobile phone market,Provide a better choice for mobile phone manufacturers。 for consumers,There is no need to endure the temperature of the "fire dragon" mobile phone while experiencing high performance。

強勁的AI性能對旗艦手機而言同樣不可或缺而天璣9000正是憑藉出色的AI表現登頂蘇黎世AI性能和能效排行榜雙冠王”。 天璣9000集成聯發科第五代獨立AI處理器APU590性能和能耗表現相比上代均提升400%恐怖的AI算力可以為旗艦手機遊戲、show、影像等方面的多元應用場景賦能為用戶帶來全面的體驗升級

OPPO Find X5 Pro天璣版和Redmi K50 Pro兩款旗艦機登榜安兔兔旗艦月榜前十證明天璣9000在性能和能效方面的突破是被使用者和市場認可的。 It is worth mentioning that,vivo 新機X80系列也將搭載天璣9000在週邊配置上達到頂級旗艦水準並適配V1影像晶元成為全方位旗艦的天璣9000終端

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