Why YouTube is adding tons of free movies and TV shows

As reported by SlashGear,in a surprising move,YouTube adds tons of TV shows and movies to its content library,And these works are free。US users can now indulge in over 4000 episodes of various shows and hundreds of movies,No extra cost,All of these movies and TV shows are available for free on YouTube。

SlashGear thinks,While this is a good (unexpected) move by YouTube,But most people know it's best not to take it on the surface。Why would a service that is struggling to make money suddenly decide to offer thousands of hours of content for free? The answer is simple:to make more money。

Most people are paying for some kind of streaming service。either Netflix、Hulu、HBO Max,or Disney+,There are a lot of websites and apps where you can get movies and shows with a monthly subscription。YouTube has a Premium plan,Allows users to watch content without ads,But anyone with a PC and a little technical knowledge can circumvent the ad,without having to pay for the YouTube Premium plan。However,Paid subscriptions also give users access to exclusive content,and allow the video to play,Even if the user exits the application。

Except for YouTube,Google also had the Play Store,It also sells movies and shows on top of the app。However,The company recently announced,it will move on,and focus on Play Store apps and games。Where does this leave YouTube?,What exactly is Google trying to do?

YouTube's decision is very strategic。Although all these movies and shows are available for free,but users will have to watch the ad every so often。This choice may seem counterintuitive,But YouTube isn't the first service to adopt an ad-supported model。just recently,Disney+ announces it will release a cheaper subscription service,cost less per month,but insert some ads while the user is watching the streaming content。same,Peacock、Roku and Tubi also operate on an ad-supported basis。

Considering that YouTube Premium has nothing to offer compared to services like Netflix,Switching to an ad-friendly model may be the right path for YouTube。However,The current content is still given away for free,Some users may find a way to bypass the ad。same,Those who subscribe to YouTube Premium will have access to the same catalog of shows and movies,but don't have to deal with ads。

one day,YouTube would decide to put all of this content behind a clear paywall,Or will it stick to the current model? it's hard to say,But the platform definitely has big plans。YouTube has revealed,It plans to add new movies and shows every week。Currently,The lineup includes classics such as "The Wicked Girl" and "Legal Blonde","Running Bride" and other fan favorites will be added soon。

in the early days of YouTube,The site focuses on creativity in all its forms,and simply documenting the lives of those who like to vlog for fun。 It is clear,Since then,YouTube has come a long way。The company used to produce its own shows under the instructions of YouTube influencers,as part of a service called YouTube Originals。Now,It also seems to be changing this practice,It has shifted focus to promoting Shorts。 YouTube Shorts,Much like Snapchat stories or TikTok,Video is quick and easy to click and continue。

Now,It's hard not to feel like YouTube might be split in half。Netflix on one side、Peacock and other such platforms,On the other side is Instagram、TikTok and similar social media apps,YouTube is struggling to accommodate people on both sides,it's not easy。It requires being able to appeal to a diverse group of people,Provide a variety of content,instead of focusing on just one type of creativity。on the other hand,YouTube's competitors are also expanding,Saw that TikTok recently increased the maximum video length to an astonishing 10 minutes。

Is YouTube planning to one day be a subscription service like Netflix?,Hard to say,but very unlikely。This ad-supported model may persist for a while,Because YouTube gave it a try。

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