Equipped with "Hyper Terminal",Smart business flagship Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022 released

2021December 23,Huawei holds winter flagship new product launch conference,Bring HUAWEI P50 Pocket flagship folding screen phone、AITO Wenjie M5 smart car、HUAWEI WATCH D wrist ECG and blood pressure recorder、Huawei smart glasses and other new products equipped with HarmonyOS,Continuously build a full-scenario ecology of all things intelligently connected。Huawei also officially released the new smart business flagship thin and light Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022 at this winter flagship new product launch.。

The newly upgraded Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022 is the business flagship series of Huawei notebook products,This series has been favored by consumers in the high-end thin and light notebook market since its birth.。

Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022

This Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022 model is based on the era of thin and light full-screen PCs,Will bring users a more amazing smart office experience。This new product builds the core concept of smart office with device collaboration and ecological integration.,Make device connections and operations collaborative,The ecosystem of the system and application achieves a consistent integrated experience,Free people from complex operations and inefficient learning,Unleash greater creativity with high performance and innovative experiences。

Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022 model maintains the consistent excellent quality of the product while also bringing many innovative smart features。Just pull it easily,PC mobile phone、flat、monitor、Smart screen connects instantly,Huawei’s latest super smart notebook is equipped with”HyperTerminal”Features,Allows you to easily manage multiple device files using PC globally;HyperTerminal gives PC more powerful”Integration”ability,Allow multiple devices to be merged into one”HyperTerminal”,Realize collaborative management of multiple devices、Information sharing。The PC has transformed from a single productivity tool into an integrated system that mobilizes multiple devices to work together.”A new entrance to the Internet of Everything”,Bringing users a new super-intelligent experience。

also,3.1K large-screen field of view truly displays no sense of boundaries,Newly designed pressure trackpad,Overall changes and upgrades brought about by mold updates,According to Huawei lab data,Performance release is 100% improved compared to the previous generation、Air intake volume increased by 60%。

Super smart experience,Smart office can be integrated with one pull

now,People’s office scenes are becoming increasingly diverse,Need to have entertainment besides working on PC,And need to carry out productivity work on mobile devices,Often constantly moving between devices,A piece of information often needs to be circulated multiple times before it can be truly presented to people.。 The complexity and cumbersomeness of connections have also become pain points that need to be solved urgently.。 People not only favor seamless all-scenario ecosystems,Need more simplicity、Directly enable collaboration between devices。

Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022

In view of this disadvantage,Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022 is Huawei’s first notebook equipped with Hyper Terminal,Based on the original smart experience of Huawei PC,Bring new technology upgrades,Enable users to connect seamlessly across devices、natural human-computer interaction、Full-scenario smart experience with seamless information flow。

The super terminal equipped on Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022 transforms the PC from a "single tool" to a more "integrated" new entrance to the Internet of Everything。 Users only need to click on the control center in the lower right corner,Enter the HyperTerminal interface,Different devices can be interconnected with the PC with just one click。 Hyperterminal functionality based on decentralized technology,Bridging the ecological gap between Windows and mobile devices,Enable interoperability between the two major terminal systems、interact。from mobile phone、flat、monitor,to mouse、keyboard、printer,Then to the speakers、earphone,And a new smart screen added to Huawei’s smart office equipment collaboration matrix,Each device can become a functional module for the other,Ability to help each other,Information sharing,Users can freely combine according to needs。

超級終端的加入在原有設備協同功能基礎上新增多設備檔管理與智慧搜索功能PC和手機協同後手機直接成為PC的一個盤符無需數據線連接PC的資源管理器中便會顯示手機盤符點擊即可訪問熟悉的資料夾式佈局,easy to use”多設備檔”。 為了解決多設備之間碎片化存儲搜索帶來的不便華為全新的智慧搜索功能不僅搜的快搜的准還可以在PC上跨終端查找檔和資料在手機連接狀態下即可在介面看到PC與手機的相關內容分類清晰一目了然就像使用一台設備一樣簡單

超級終端目前已經開啟升級計劃華為MateBook X Pro 2022款成為首發機型,The first batch of upgrades for older models will be launched on January 6, 2022。

Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022

In addition to hardware collaboration achieved by the HyperTerminal function,Ecological integration is also an important core capability of Huawei’s smart office,The Lexiang Mobile App function allows PCs to accommodate a large number of mobile apps.,Breaking down the barriers between different system ecologies。 Lexiang Mobile App has been widely praised by users since its launch.,目前已上架的應用多達4200餘款好評高達98%(數據來源於華為用戶調研報告)用戶通過華為應用市場一鍵下載安裝后就可以在PC上實現刷抖音大眾點評查美食等操作使用者不再需要在兩個設備螢幕之間反覆切換只需聚焦一個螢幕即可隨心切換兩種生態


in addition,錄屏攝像頭還支援背景替換和AI人像摳圖功能無論你是在家裡戶外等地方錄製都可以一鍵更換你想要的背景或者使用透明背景僅保留自己的人像使用者可以不用太在意錄製環境即使雜亂也不用擔心暴露個人隱私簡簡單單就可以製作專業且純凈的視頻


入目驚鴻人與PC的交互從屏幕開始華為MateBook X Pro 2022款搭載3.1K原色全面屏屏佔比高達92.5%支援10點精準觸控尺寸相較上代13.9寸提升至14.2寸帶來所見即所得的視覺體驗。 Not only that,華為MateBook X Pro 2022款在顯示方面也十分出色首次採用華為3D Lut專業校色方案是全球首款獲得德國萊茵TüV專業級雙色域色準認證的筆記本在P3色域和sRGB雙色域下達到色彩準確度ΔE<1的顯示效果。 Simultaneously,這塊螢幕還具備10.7億色彩顯示VESA DisplayHDR™ 400 Certification、90Hz高刷等優點擁有更細膩真實的螢幕色彩;不僅看視頻和大圖很逼真舒服還能滿足專業設計師對色彩準確度的高要求

一塊好屏幕不僅要清晰還要看得舒服華為MateBook X Pro 2022款從硬體底層進行專項研發革新發光材料獲得德國萊茵TüV硬體級低藍光認證與德國萊茵TüV無頻閃認證讓眼睛舒適感光沿著真實、clear、smooth、comfortable,四個維度重新確立了華為在顯示領域的優勢。 It can be said,這是華為筆記本迄今為止最好的螢幕

Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022

隔空操作遇上觸控板創新手勢交互超越鍵鼠束縛華為MateBook X Pro 2022款首次在PC上搭載AI隔空操作手勢支援左右揮動上下揮動按壓三種隔空操作方式應用超聲波技術的優勢在暗光環境下揮揮手即可輕鬆操作PC

華為還在MateBook X Pro 2022款上為消費者打造出一塊體驗非常好的壓力觸控板結合華為2012實驗室自研軟體和演算法提升了整體觸控板的體驗在原有舒適觸感體驗外創新性地推出6種操作手勢帶給消費者更靈敏更便捷的交互體驗


在聽覺交互上華為在MateBook X Pro 2022款輕薄的機身內搭載了高低音分頻HUAWEI SOUND 6揚聲器其中4個低音單元採用背靠背設計在不增加厚度的前提下低音震撼高音通透結合華為聲立方「聲場重建技術帶來重建出比實際揚聲器位置更加開闊的虛擬聲場讓音樂富有層次更具有方向感


華為對MateBook X Pro 2022款的外觀模具也進行了全新設計,compared to the previous generation,筆記本的曲面過渡和邊角設計較上一代產品更加平順採用了楔形設計握持更加舒適機身採用精密的全CNC Unibody一體化金屬機身工藝在螢幕頂端放置一顆720P與紅外功能二合一的極點攝像頭同時依然做到了高達92.5%的屏佔比兼顧了人臉解鎖沉浸全面屏兩大體驗

華為MateBook X Pro 2022款同樣實現了輕薄體積和強勁辦公性能的巧妙平衡性能強大在處理複雜任務時更加得心應手。 Graphics processing is outstanding,輕鬆應對複雜的圖形處理場景流暢創作用Fn+P一鍵開啟30W高能模式相較上一代產品實現了性能釋放提升100%(華為實驗室數據)

Huawei MateBook X Pro 2022

此次華為MateBook X Pro 2022款搭載了兩個鯊魚鰭風扇,Air intake volume increased by 60%,性能釋放提升100%(華為實驗室數據)還引入了創新「C環」設計該設計能夠提升風扇進風性能電池方面升級到更大的60Wh(額定容量)容量帶來強勁的續航表現並配備90W小巧充電器支援為華為筆記本、cell phone、平板三種設備的超級快充做到了一充多用


不止於此華為MateBook X Pro 2022款還支援一鍵指紋解鎖登錄人臉解鎖兩種生物識別登錄方式;獨立的智慧語音鍵可以一鍵開啟智慧語音功能;AI降噪技術與靜谧空間通話,identify、過濾人聲干擾靜享遠端會議溝通;在兼顧輕薄的同時帶來難得一見的1.5mm高觸感鍵盤輸入敲擊更舒適;2X2 MIMO寬頻Wi-Fi 6,暢享高速網路


全新華為MateBook X Pro 2022款共分為三個版本售價已在此次發佈會現場公佈i5-1155G7/16GB+512GB版售價9499元;i7-1195G7/16GB+512GB版售價10499元;i7-1195G7/16GB+1TB版售價12499元各版本均有三款配色隨心可選——翡冷翠深空灰、Bright moon silver。

The above prices are in CNY

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