
榮耀官方3月17日宣布搭載輕薄超曲屏以高顏值著稱的榮耀V40 Lite的線上發布會定於3 月23 日舉行除了榮耀V40 lite外現在已確定榮耀平板7也來了定檔同一場發布會

Xiaomi official announcement:小米春季新品發佈會將於3月29日舉行

今天(3月22日)上午10點小米確認將於3月29日(週一)晚19點30分舉辦春季新品發佈會就現時的爆料來看,Mi 11 Pro、小米筆記本Pro登場的可能性比較大其它主角或將還有小米MIX 4、小米手環6甚至是披露小米汽車計畫等

小米11 Lite硬件細節曝光 搭載驍龍732G晶片,6mm厚度

3月22日消息爆料人Sudhanshu曝光了小米11系列新成員小米11 Lite的詳細參數(國行版可能會命名為小米11青春版)和小米10青春版定位相似小米11 Lite同樣主打輕薄其機身厚度只有6mm重量只有150g在這樣的輕薄機身下小米11 Lite塞進了4250mAh電池支持33W閃充

Snapdragon 888 cost-effective flagship Redmi K40 Pro and realme GT comparative evaluation

Redmi K40 Pro and realme GT are two very attractive cost-effective products that have appeared in the recent Snapdragon 888 flagship mobile phones.。This article will start from the appearance of Redmi K40 Pro and realme GT、efficacy、camera to take pictures、game performance、Comparing evaluations in many aspects such as charging and battery life。

Summary of Mi 11 Pro Series Recent Rumors

在近期多方媒體的不斷披露之下小米又有三款即將發布的小米11系列新機被基本確認——小米11 Pro、Mi 11 Ultra、小米11青春版我們來整理一下有關小米11 Pro系列的資訊

Mi 11 Pro will be officially released on March 30

a few days ago,Some netizens suddenly exposed the preheating poster of the Mi 11 Pro series conference,It shows that the Mi 11 Pro series will be released on March 30 at 19:00official release。Simultaneously,The poster also reveals the design of Mi 11 Pro。

Mi 11 Pro/Mi 11 Ultra/Mi 11 Youth Edition will be released at the end of March

recent,網上終於傳出了小米11 Pro、Mi 11 Ultra、小米11青春版的消息真機圖發佈時間以及部分參數都已曝光。According to revelations,小米11系列的大杯小米11 pro和超大杯小米11 Ultra系列已經獲得了入網許可結合目前爆料的消息來看小米11 Pro和小米11 Ultra正面和小米11沒什麼區別會採用6.81英寸3200x1440分辨率的E4材料四曲面挖孔屏,Support 120Hz refresh rate,搭載驍龍888處理器+LPDDR5+UFS3.1閃存三件套

realme GT comprehensive evaluation:Live up to the name of GT "Full Speed ​​God of War"

realme GT is the beginning of realme's new flagship series,Its significance is obviously not limited to what labels such as "high performance" can summarize。Fortunately,realme GT did not disappoint everyone,With excellent flagship configuration、Leapfrog performance experience and more affordable price,Let this product become a real "flagship subversive"。anyhow,I still have a positive attitude towards realme GT,If you are looking for a cost-effective、Product with strong performance,realme GT is indeed a good choice。

This is the performance flagship:realme GT running score、cooling、Best battery life at the same price

realme GT performance、cooling、Battery life is well designed,in summary,realme GT with memory starting from 8GB,It is the most powerful Snapdragon 888 at this price,Have a better overall experience,Live up to the name of GT,Want to buy a performance flagship,realme GT is definitely the best option。