雷軍透露小米11青春版史上最輕薄的小米手機 重159g

3月28日消息小米手機今天下午宣布小米11 青春版搭載驍龍780G 處理器採用左挖直屏,90Hz,支持10bit前置1600 萬像素自拍鏡頭後置6400 萬+ 800 萬+ 500 Megapixel lens,電池容量4250mAh,33W fast charge。三圍尺寸為160x 75 x6.8mm重量159 克将史上最輕薄小米手機

華為P50 Pro+全新高清渲染圖曝光雙圓四攝 麒麟9000L

設計師HoiINDI修改了華為P50 Pro的外形渲染圖,simply put,背部的雙圓環攝像頭中鏡頭的排布方式做了調整上圓環內有三顆攝像頭下圓環內是方形潛望式多倍變焦鏡頭攝像頭輪廓和已經發布的華為nova 8系列有異曲同工之妙正面上HUAWEI P50 Pro採用頂部中置挖孔屏屏幕弧度不是很大

全球首發!小米11青春版宣布搭載驍龍780G:5nm process

今日下午(3月28日),Founder of Xiaomi、小米集團董事長兼CEO雷軍宣布小米11青春版將全球首發搭載高通驍龍780G處理器。xiaomi 11 Lite將採用6.55英寸全面屏前置鏡頭採用左上角開孔設計電池容量為4150mAh機身三圍僅有160.53 mm×75.72 mm×6.81 mm厚度僅為6.81mm重量也仅有150g有望成为2021年最轻薄的5G手机

iQOO Neo5 video review:The flagship camera of the game can also be played

iQOO Neo5 focuses more on the player's gaming experience in terms of configuration,But after some experience, I found that the 48-megapixel imaging system of iQOO Neo5 is also "very capable".,It can fully meet the needs of players to record every bit of life through the camera。This means that in addition to bringing players an excellent gaming experience, iQOO Neo5,It is a well-equipped mobile phone。Judging from the night scene proofs,iQOO Neo5's exposure control of night scene photos is very precise,Good overall noise control,The picture is pure,The restoration of color is in place。At the same time in green orange、With the blessing of cyberpunk and other special filters,The overall color of the iQOO Neo5 night scene sample is more attractive,The restoration of light and shadow details is also in place。

Detailed Explanation of iQOO Neo5 Battery Life - More Than 66W+4400mAh

Judging from the game test in this article,iQOO Neo5 frame interpolation games are smoother、SDR to HDR-like picture looks better、120Hz high-brush AMOLED screen and rear OIS camera and other configurations add points to iQOO Neo5。66W flash charge、4400The improved mAh battery and dual-core gaming energy efficiency have laid a solid foundation for the iQOO Neo5's self-play。On the performance flagship of 2499CNY,This strategy of balanced development is relatively rare。

iQOO Neo5 Performance Evaluation - Game Test

iQOO Neo5 realizes the high frame rate experience of some games through the dual-core combination of independent display chip and Snapdragon 870。This is definitely good news for current mobile gamers,Not only can you buy mobile phones that play games with high frame rates,You don't need to spend the "high-end" price of such high-performance mobile phones in the past。iQOO Neo5 is also of great significance to the development of future mobile games。The independent display chip itself will continue to improve,Its success will also allow more game developers to optimize for this technology,Bring a better gaming experience。

OPPO Find X3 Pro with its futuristic、Industry-leading product design wins prestigious Red Dot Award

2021年3月25日OPPO贏得了著名的“紅點:2021年產品設計獎”以表彰未來派高端旗艦智能手機Find X3 Pro所具有的開拓性以人為本和創造性的思維OPPO Find X3 Pro將古典的太空時代的優雅與未來的繁榮相結合使面板贏得了設計獎”


3月27日消息,Founder of Xiaomi、小米集團董事長兼CEO雷軍劇透小米春季新品發布會雷軍錶示內容至少4小時從今天放出的海報來看小米將推出包括小米11 Pro、Mi 11 Ultra、新一代小米MIX、notebook、手環掃地機器人洗衣機、charger、air conditioner、路由器在內的眾多產品加上自研澎湃芯片、liquid lens、全相變散熱等前沿技術這次發布會陣容可為是壯觀至極


小米將會在下週一(3月29日)召開小米春季新品發布會,Mi 11 Ultra、小米11 Pro將正式亮相這也是小米目前頂級的高端旗艦產品但此次發布會的主角並不只有手機還將帶來多款高端產品。This morning,小米手機官方發文為發布會預熱從海報上可以明顯看出除了手機之外小米此次還將推出小米手環小米筆記本、air conditioner、掃地機器人洗衣機、charger、路由器等7個類別的產品