realme GT Master Edition real machine announced:Hyperboloid single cut hole

recently,realme has officially announced,Will be July 21st at 14 pm:00Held realme new product air conference,The protagonist this time is the long-rumored "realme GT Master Edition" series of models。today,realme GT Master Edition unveiled,Shows the screen scheme of the machine。The realme GT Master Edition will use the mainstream flagship hyperboloid screen solution,Equipped with a flexible OLED display,And also adopts the single-dug hole design in the upper left corner,This is also the most mature and most accepted screen solution in the mobile phone industry.。The official also announced the core configuration of the realme GT Master Edition for the first time,It is confirmed that the machine will be equipped with the Snapdragon 870 flagship processor。

Vivo S10 series mobile phones released:Soft light dual camera,Natural soft light portrait debut

715th of the month,Vivo S10 series mobile phones officially released,The vivo S10 series is divided into two products,They are all high-value selfie flagships,Performance specs are also pretty good。Among them, vivo S10 Pro is equipped with Dimensity 1100 chip,The screen is a 6.44-inch AMOLED screen,Display quality is very good,And supports 90Hz refresh rate。The front of the mobile phone is a 44-megapixel soft light dual camera,Rear 100-megapixel triple camera。Another vivo S10 is equipped with a 64-megapixel rear main camera。

Vivo S10 series official warm-up

Vivo's official Weibo released a warm-up video of the S10 series new product launch conference on July 14.,Vivo S10 series spokesperson Liu Haoran、Actor Zhang Jingyi、The avant-garde band mandarin all appeared in the video,It means that they may come in person at 19 on the evening of the 15th:30press conference site。The body size of vivo S10 is 158.20mm x 73.67mm x 7.29mm,Equipped with a 6.44-inch screen,The battery capacity is 3970mAh。Vivo S10 is equipped with Dimensity 1100 processor,Adopt 6.44 inches 90Hz OLED notch screen,Support 44W fast charge,Front 44MP dual camera,Rear 64MP/108MP triple camera。


近日知名爆料者@Teme(特米)曝光了華為P50系列的後攝詳細規格。According to reports,華為P50將採用三攝方案其中主攝採用最新升級的IMX707傳感器同時還配備了一顆IMX600鏡頭應該是超廣角另外還擁有一顆3倍長焦鏡頭

Redmi K50 series exposure:驍龍895加持

7月13日上午博主@數碼閒聊站帶來了關於Redmi K50系列的最新消息表示Redmi內部已經確定了Redmi K50系列的入網型號並且很可能會在春節前正式發布

Honor Magic 3 三款型號已獲入網許可代號Elizabeth/配定制主攝

或許是即將在八月份正式登場的緣故榮耀Magic 3系列不僅傳出攝像頭會採用“星環”設計和支持IP68級防水等功能而且按照熟悉內情的網友披露消息稱榮耀Magic 3的內部代號為“Elizabeth(伊麗莎白)”目前已經有三個型號ELZ-AN00/AN10/AN20在六月初便拿到了入網許可證和獲得了無線電發射型號核准將搭載驍龍888+處理器和採用曲面屏設計擁有全新定製鏡頭和三大底主攝據稱拍照水準足以超越華為Mate 40系列




According to previous news,小米CC系列新機將會在8月份正式登場將被命名為“小米CC 11”與小米MIX 4和MIUI 13全新系統同期發布小米CC 11將至少推出兩個版本主打輕薄機身高顏值設計外觀將成為該機的一大亮點預計應該會繼續主打女性市場

消息稱華為P50月底發布:image upgrade、獨占鴻蒙系統新特性

有多方消息傳聞稱華為將在7月29日召開新品發布會正式推出新一代年度旗艦——華為P50系列根據接近華為的爆料者最新消息華為P50系列作為首款預裝HarmonyOS自研系統的手機不僅會支持此前已有的功能還會首發一些HarmonyOS的全新特性並且將會在很長一段時間內獨占新特性。in addition,消息還稱華為P50並非全系4G還將同時推出5G版本處理器將更換為麒麟9000L芯片