iQOO 7 Detailed evaluation:Full speed horizontal screen flagship,All-round e-sports experience

iQOO 7 can be summed up very well in three words - that is, the title of "full speed,Horizontal screen,flagship"。High-end process design、Snapdragon 888、Enhanced version of LPDDR5、UFS 3.1 meets the flagship attributes of iQOO 7 mobile phones,The standard 120W fast charge and the BMW "M" element in the design emphasize the inherent "fastness" of iQOO 7;such as "Double Duck、two horses、The addition of "Shuangyang",Enrich the horizontal screen experience of iQOO 7,Strengthen the e-sports attributes of mobile phones。

iQOO 7 charging experience, fully charged in only 14 minutes

我們對iQOO 7進行了充電測試結果顯示iQOO 7僅需要約14分鐘就能將手機的電量充至100%在5分鐘和10分鐘時則分別可以充入43%、84%的電量除了堪稱極致的充電速度之外iQOO 7擁有由高通驍龍888晶片增强版UFS 3.1超快閃存增强版LPDDR5組成的新一代效能鐵三角。In general,iQOO 7擁有極致效能均衡配寘並可以妥善解决5G時代的續航問題是一款適合大多數朋友的優秀產品

iQOO 7 user experience evaluation

iQOO 7在繼續强化遊戲體驗的同時在效能、design、影像等方面有了比較全面的進步拍照上捨棄了長焦但是三攝每一顆都實實在在的有用日常影像體驗比較不錯在iQOO 7上iQOO已經將遊戲體驗做出了差异化從120Hz荧幕到雙揚聲器從雙線性馬達再到屏下雙控按壓還有至關重要的一點,excellent cooling,手機溫控控制的非常優秀。In general,iQOO 7的更新換代還是很成功的