榮耀50核心參數曝光:6nm process、A78定制架構首發高通新Soc

518th of the month,知名爆料博主@數碼閒聊站爆料稱榮耀50系列將會首發高通驍龍778G(sm7325)處理器這款全新的驍龍778G還支持最高100W QC5快充協議這也與此前3C認證信息中的100W充電保持一致

It is revealed that the Honor 50 series has entered the network:Support 100W super fast charge

5月14日博主@數碼閒聊站爆料近日已經有兩款隸屬於榮耀50系列的機型獲得國內認證信息顯示其分別支持66W、100W快充規格。From the point of view of parameters,預計這個100W的充電規格將會是該系列頂配機型榮耀50 Pro+獨享配置

榮耀部分機型也能升鴻蒙Harmony OS

博主@菊厂影业Fans 表示荣耀V40之前的设备可以升级鸿蒙系统包括荣耀30系列,V30 series,麒麟810、820芯片产品也都有升级计划荣耀20系列与V20系列目前待定按照他的说法荣耀30系列的三款机型荣耀30荣耀30 Pro荣耀30 Pro+荣耀V30系列的两款机型荣耀V30荣耀V30 Pro这5款手机有望率先升级至Harmony OS


今天上午(5月10日)一張疑似榮耀50系列的最新渲染圖得到曝光顏色類似“天空之境”採用AG磨砂工藝擁有潛望+三攝雙圓環模組對於這張渲染圖,The blogger said,配色差不多但鏡頭排列和終版有差異


5月10日榮耀手機官方通過微博正式宣布榮耀Play5系列新品發布會將於5月18日(下週二)舉行從曬出的預熱海報來看榮耀Play5正面採用水滴屏設計後置矩陣四攝。battery life,該機內置3800mAh容量電池其最大亮點是支持華為Mate40系列同款的66W快充

Honor "Super X Program" officially released Honor MagicBook X series and Honor Tablet X7

57th of month,Honor held a new product launch conference of "Super X Plan",Released the new Honor MagicBook X series,And the new tablet X7。The new Honor MagicBook X series notebooks are divided into two sizes: Honor MagicBook X 14 and Honor MagicBook X 15。Honor Tablet X7 offers three configurations,Including 3+32GB Wi-Fi version and 3+32GB LTE version,and a children's version for children。

Honor 50 Pro+ specifications revealed:AMOLED high refresh screen、Snapdragon 888

55th of the month,有爆料博主透漏了榮耀50 Pro+頂配版本的部分配置榮耀50 Pro+將搭載6.79英寸AMOLED顯示屏支持120 Hz高刷新率核心將搭載高通頂級旗艦驍龍888處理器後置相機採用三攝方案

榮耀Play5曝光:66W fast charge,或搭載天璣800U

430th,榮耀Play系列產品經理韋驍龍為將在5月發布的榮耀Play新品預熱如無意外該新品便是傳聞當中的榮耀Play5榮耀Play5將搭載一塊6.53英寸的水滴FHD屏幕屏幕材質採用OLED材質或支持屏幕指紋解鎖,66W super fast charge,後置矩陣四攝

Honor 50 series "Cartier lens" exposed:Higher than Huawei P50

Recently,Foreign media broke the news first - Honor's new generation digital series will be named Honor 50,Adopts the same double ring design as P50,Scheduled for release in May。Judging from the exposed sketches,The rear camera modules of Honor 50 and P50 both adopt an upper and lower double ring design.,At the same time, the main camera lens of Honor 50 also adopts a new design similar to a Cartier ring.,This did not appear in the P50 renderings previously exposed online.,It can be said that Honor 50 is an upgrade in the design of Huawei P50,Better than blue。