HUAWEI P50 Pro hands-on review:The photography experience is reinvented

HUAWEI P50 Pro supports 120Hz screen refresh rate and 300Hz screen sampling rate,Supports global P3 color management and 1.07 billion color display at the same time;The first version of HUAWEI P50 Pro is equipped with Kirin 9000 based on 5nm process。With the powerful performance of Kirin 9000 and the 120Hz high refresh rate of HUAWEI P50 Pro screen,HUAWEI P50 Pro has extremely smooth performance in games。While equipped with powerful video hardware,HUAWEI P50 Pro also has a number of pioneering imaging technology blessings,Breakthrough innovation in imaging technology,Brings powerful image recording capabilities to HUAWEI P50 Pro。

HONOR launches the official version of HarmonyOS for many old models

According to the Pollen Club announcement,At present, many old HONOR models have started pushing the real version of HarmonyOS.。The official system upgrade models include:Honor 30 Pro series、Honor Play 4 Pro、Honor 20 series、Honor Magic2、Honor V30 series、Honor 30、Honor V20、Honor Tablet V6。

Huawei P50 Pro hands-on experience

The Huawei P50 Pro I got this time is the Kirin 9000 chip version,Equipped with HarmonyOS 2 system。 during a simple trial,It can be clearly felt that the Huawei P50 Pro equipped with Kirin 9000 and HarmonyOS 2 is very smooth to use;Huawei P50 Pro can be said to be a satisfactory answer from Huawei in difficult circumstances,Its overall configuration and user experience surpass many current flagship models,And bring breakthrough innovations in the field of interesting imaging。

It is reported that Nokia will launch the X60 series,Or powered by HarmonyOS

There is news that,Nokia phones are planning to access HarmonyOS,if it goes well,Nokia X60 may be the first Nokia phone with Hongmeng OS。This is for a Nokia phone,Undoubtedly the perfect time to turn around。

Huawei Hongmeng HarmonyOS 2 Can intelligently identify counterfeit chargers

Huawei adds charger intelligent identification function to HarmonyOS,Counterfeit Huawei chargers can be identified。The purpose of introducing this testing solution is to ensure user charging experience and safety.,If this prompt appears when your phone is charging,It is recommended that you immediately replace the charger produced by Huawei.。This reminder from Huawei can be said to be very timely.,Incidents of explosions and fires due to counterfeit charging heads are emerging one after another.。

A new round of internal testing of HarmonyOS starts today:Covers Honor 30/V30/20/V20/Magic 2 series etc.

6On the afternoon of March 23rd,Huawei officially opened a new batch of internal testing applications for HarmonyOS 2 as expected。According to HarmonyOS official news,Today’s internal beta recruitment plan covers 12 old devices of Honor.,Specifically include:Honor V30、Honor V30 PRO、Honor 30、Honor 30 Pro 、Honor 30 Pro+、Honor play4 Pro、Honor 20、Honor 20 Pro、Honor V20、Honor V20 MOSCHINO joint edition、Honor Magic 2、Honor Tablet V6。 in addition,According to Huawei’s announcement,The next batch of public beta is scheduled to start recruiting in July,This time it will cover a large number of old models,These include Huawei Mate20/Pro/Rs Porsche Design、Huawei Mate20 X4G、Mate X、Huawei nova6se/nova7se/nova8s 、Huawei Enjoy 20 Plus、Enjoy 20…

華為HarmonyOS 2第三批公測預告覆蓋Mate20MatePad等17款設備

not long ago,華為召開了鴻蒙操作系統及華為全場景新品發布會會上正式公佈了全新的自研操作系統——HarmonyOS華為在第一時間就啟動了史上最大規模的升級計劃並宣布將會在明年下半年之前為100多款設備升級HarmonyOS系統將覆蓋華為榮耀的手機平板等多款設備。 recently,華為已經開啟了HarmonyOS的第二批公測計劃包括nova 6系列nova 7系列以及nova8系列共計6款機型。 According to Huawei’s announcement,The next batch of public beta is scheduled to start recruiting in July,This time it will cover a large number of old models,These include Huawei Mate20/Pro/Rs Porsche Design、Huawei Mate20 X4G、Mate X、Huawei nova6se/nova7se/nova8s、Huawei Enjoy 20 Plus、暢享20 Pro暢享Z麥芒華為MatePad等17款設備持有相關機型的用戶可通過下列方法報名參加: 1、花粉俱樂部App–首頁–推薦–內測報名 2、會員中心App–首頁–體驗先鋒(僅支持手機/平板端需將App更新至最新版本)。 It is worth mentioning that,根據華為官方此前公佈的數據顯示目前HarmonyOS的升級用戶已經突破千萬並且還在不斷上升而從這千萬用戶的反饋中可以得知HarmonyOS整體系統不僅十分完善而且在穩定性功能性流暢度等方面遠超基於安卓的EMUI據華為消費者業務軟件部總裁王成錄介紹Harmony OS系統無懼老化能夠比安卓系統更能解決手機使用老化帶來的卡頓問題在使用36個月後依然可實現流暢的讀寫性能。…

華為公佈可升級HarmonyOS 2系統最新機型列表

最近華為正式公佈了一批可以升級為HarmonyOS 2系統的最新機型列表並開始招募更多機型進行內部測試目前有P30系列HUAWEI Mate X華為平板M6系列等11個產品在本週的HarmonyOS 2和華為的新產品發布會上華為宣布了HarmonyOS的升級計劃。2021年第三季度,Huawei Mate Xs、Mate20系列Nova 6/7/8系列華為MatePad將更新第四季度進一步擴大到華為智慧屏V系列2021款華為智慧屏S系列華為智慧屏X65Mate20 X系列P30系列、Mate X、華為暢享20系列華為麥芒9華為平板M6華為暢享平板2等到明年上半年將有近100款智能手機、tablet、智能屏等智能終端支持HarmonyOS 2的升級。sources say,HarmonyOS 2發布不到一周升級用戶已經超過1000萬。 Related Reading:華為新增HarmonyOS 2陞級名單包含大量榮耀HONOR機型華為HarmonyOS

New Huawei MatePad Pro 12.6 review:Born for productivity

華為MatePad Pro 12.6英寸是個毫無疑問的旗艦級平板產品在M-Pencil和智能磁吸鍵盤的配合下也完全符合自身面對職場精英和內容創作者的生產力定位而搭載了HarmonyOS的華為MatePad Pro讓多屏協同在平板上處理日常辦公變得更加便利、easy。