Sony China Announces WF1000-XM4 True Wireless Noise Canceling Headphones to be Released on June 9th

66th,Sony China released a warm-up poster,Announced that the new "Noise Canceling Bean" headset WF1000-XM4 will be officially released at 10:00 on June 9。The official text reads:"This time #音酒音,Enjoy the quiet world / can not be discussed #”。Sony WF1000-XM4 will get IPX4 waterproof certification

Google officially releases Pixel Buds A-Series true wireless earphones

6月3日Google正式發表Pixel Buds A-Series分體式藍牙耳機在保留音質體驗Google Assistant智能交互和實時翻譯特色功能的同時Pixel Buds A-Series同時改善了前代產品中存在的音頻連接問題Pixel Buds A-Series提供Clearly White和Dark Olive兩種配色將於6月17日在美國和加拿大發售

vivo TWS 2 true wireless earphone experience

Vivo has always been a major audio manufacturer among many mobile phone manufacturers,HiFi has also been the gene that vivo has insisted on for a long time,Vivo has been taking the music route since the first HiFi mobile phone,therefore,It is no surprise that vivo TWS 2 can have such a good sound performance。certainly,In addition to sound quality,Vivo TWS 2 wearing experience、Latency performance and human-computer interaction performance are remarkable。

華為FreeBuds 4真無線耳機評測

在當下真無線耳機市場半入耳主動降噪產品由於存在聲學上難以攻克的技術難點敢於涉足和推出產品的廠商並不多華為FreeBuds 4無線耳機在提供半入耳形態舒適佩戴的基礎上採用了半開放主動降噪2.0技術特別是其中的華為自研的人耳自適應降噪技術能夠根據不同耳型和佩戴條件匹配更適合的降噪參數從而更好地保證了作為半入耳式耳機的降噪效果解決了目前真無線降噪耳機【舒適】與【降噪】難兩全的痛點

Vivo TWS 2 Series True Wireless Headphones Released

2021May 20,The vivo TWS 2 true wireless earphones featuring "good sound quality and quiet listening" are officially released。As vivo's first true wireless headset equipped with active noise reduction,Vivo TWS 2 not only provides professional sound quality performance,And it also provides up to 40dB noise reduction depth,And support intelligent dynamic noise reduction,Let the noise reduction function of vivo TWS 2 have the intelligent performance of "automatic transmission"。Not only that,vivo TWS 2 can also provide users with a better wireless experience,such as endurance、Faster and more stable connection and smarter control, etc.,

Huawei FreeBuds 4 review:Finally broke through the two major problems of semi-in-ear noise reduction

華為FreeBuds 4讓自己的半開放主動降噪技術來到了2.0時代在半入耳耳機上運用了AEM人耳自適應降噪技術雙麥克風混合降噪兩項技術將半入耳主動降噪技術的提升到了新的高度華為FreeBuds 4實現了空氣感舒適佩戴配合高解析音質智慧連接方式高清錄音等新興場場景下的應用補齊TWS耳機行業生態

雙麥克風混合降噪!華為Freebuds 4正式發布更舒服的降噪耳機

202119 May,在華為全場景智慧生活新品發佈會上華為帶來了華為Freebuds 4。華為FreeBuds 4搭載了全新升級的半開放主動降噪2.0技術半入耳的設計華為FreeBuds 4還使用了雙麥克風混合降噪降噪深度高達25dB華為FreeBuds 4通過低頻增強引擎與14.3mm直徑大動圈單元使頻響範圍高達40kHz帶來高解析音質

Xiaomi FlipBuds Pro Xiaomi Noise Canceling Headphones Pro Review

小米FlipBuds Pro 小米降噪耳機Pro不僅帶來了小米有史以來規格最高的TWS耳機,It brings a new beginning to Xiaomi's audio field。小米FlipBuds Pro擁有當前最好的音質、noise reduction、call golden triangle。It has a noise reduction depth of up to 40dB,Basically reached the highest level of current TWS earphone noise reduction level。小米降噪耳機Pro首發高通QCC5151音頻處理器還支持aptX Adaptive音頻解碼

OPPO Enco Air True Wireless Headphones Review

OPPO Enco Air true wireless earphones not only follow the sleek shape of the Enco series TWS earphone charging compartment,On the basis of it, a new pattern of translucent jelly bins is played。OPPO Enco Air true wireless headset adopts 12mm composite titanium-plated diaphragm moving coil unit,Combined with the tuning of the blu-ray team,The high frequency and mid frequency performance of this headphone are quite good。