華為Mate 40E曝光:6400megapixel sensor、或搭載麒麟990芯片

華為Mate 40E曝光:6400megapixel sensor、或搭載麒麟990芯片。It is understood,華為Mate 40E早在上個月就已獲得認證信息顯示該機將採用一塊6.5英寸OLED屏分辨率為2376*1080搭載一顆主頻為搭載2.86GHz的芯片推測應該為麒麟990 5G芯片

華為Mate X2折疊屏評測內折無縫無摺痕/與普通手機顯示對比

華為Mate X2相比起上一代升級不僅僅是一點點除了形態上的變化之外在玩法上也更加多樣化它滿足了我對於手機以及平板的需求

華為Mate X2評測從外折到內折給我們帶來了什麼

從外折到內折華為Mate X2給我們帶來了太多驚喜作為2021年華為獻給廣大用戶的一款旗艦之作Mate X2在實現了折疊形態轉變之餘也帶來了更為精細化的設計航空材料碳纖維新材料的使用很好地平衡了機身重量和輕薄度讓折疊屏在開合之間也能找尋到打動用戶的奇點

華為Mate X2體驗評測

華為Mate X2作為華為推出的新一代旗艦折疊屏產品可能在目前的表現上已經是給出了最優解麒麟9000的強悍性能後置超感知四攝的頂級影像能力已經奠定了非常高的基礎而內屏+外屏的折疊屏新設計不僅從硬件上帶來了大小屏結合的出色表現也從軟件層面上帶來了更好的交互以及使用體驗

OPPO Find X3 series will be announced on March 11

今天网上曝光了OPPO Find X3系列的发布时间将于3月11日正式亮相有報導顯示Find X3系列除了Find X3和Find X3 Pro外還包括另外兩部手機分別是Find X3 Neo和Find X3 Lite

Redmi K40 series review:Redmi K40、Redmi K40 Pro comparison review

The Redmi K40 series only exists with a processor platform、The difference between the main camera and other fundamentals,Other parts remain highly consistent。Thanks to Qualcomm's active response to dislocation competition,Redmi K40 series(Xiaomi Poco F3)Completely abandon the "entry version" mid-range machine,It is directly the dual flagship combination of Snapdragon 870 and Snapdragon 888。Integrated CPU、GPU performance together,Redmi K40 Pro equipped with Snapdragon 888 has a higher limit performance limit,The Redmi K40 powered by the Snapdragon 870 has relatively restrained power consumption and energy efficiency ratio performance,The focus of the two is different,But there is no doubt that they are all at the top level of the Android camp。

Xiaomi Redmi K40 is officially released, the price returns to 1999CNY

2the evening of the 25th,Redmi held a press conference online,Launched its new flagship Redmi K40 series mobile phones,Including K40 equipped with Snapdragon 870 processor and Redmi K40 Pro and Redmi K40 Pro+ equipped with Snapdragon 888 processor,Among them, the Redmi K40 starts at 1999 yuan。The biggest difference between the three phones is the main camera parameters,Redmi K40 Pro main camera equipped with IMX 586 6400megapixel sensor;Redmi K40 Pro+ main camera is equipped with HM2 100 million pixel super outsole。

華為Mate X2上手體驗見證折疊工藝及體驗的雙向突破

精湛的工藝和相當討喜的外觀設計結合強大的性能影像硬件配置華為Mate X2無疑是目前手機市場上數一數二的折疊屏產品單純從交互設計上來看華為Mate X2的體驗還是非常不錯的不管是娛樂還是辦公諸多的創新之處帶來了最便捷的操作這也意味著華為Mate X2對用戶體驗的重視

華為Mate X2真機高清實拍新折疊設計精妙絕倫

昨晚(2月22日)華為Mate X2折疊屏旗艦正式發布該機搭載麒麟9000 5G SoC徠卡四攝(10倍潛望式光變、100倍數字變焦等),4500mAh電池(55瓦快充)等華為Mate X2採用了書本式開合的新形態外屏6.45英寸內屏展開後8英寸(均為90Hz刷新率覆蓋P3廣色域)新的鷹翼折疊方案+雙楔形創新做到了合起幾乎無縫展開極致平整