Redmi Note 10 Pro review:Biggest performance upgrade ever

Redmi Note 10 Pro is more than just getting back on track,It is a step further in terms of performance,With the Dimensity 1100 flagship processor,There is also a 67W flagship flash charge、Top LCD screen、X-axis linear motor、Support of NFC3.0,Little King Kong has taken a big step towards the direction of the flagship,more perfect。Redmi Note 10 The top LCD screen of Pro is also worth cherishing,120Hz supports 6-speed adaptive refresh rate adjustment,LCD screen with 95% DCI-P3 color gamut,brighter colors,High refresh rate and adaptive refresh rate improve performance。67Combination of W charging + 5000mAh large battery,Guaranteed longer battery life。

Redmi Note 10 Pro手機發布安卓之光同款67W快充、120Hz可變速LCD屏

5月26日下午Redmi舉辦新品發布會,Redmi Note 10 Pro正式發布。Redmi Note 10 Pro搭載天璣11000處理器,120Hz高刷電競屏並支持30/48/50/60/90/120Hz六檔變速配備“安卓之光”同款的67W快充首次搭配了旗艦機採用的VC液冷方案,Redmi Note 10 Pro還支持JBL雙揚聲器、NFC 3.0、X軸線性馬達等功能

Redmi Note10 Pro正式亮相:5000mAh、旗艦級LCD

5月26日下午Redmi舉辦新品發布會正式發布新一代旗艦小金剛——Redmi Note10 Pro。Redmi Note 10 Pro擁有旗艦級外觀採用“星芒鏡頭”源於專業相機設計。193g超輕體量內藏5000mAh大電量還有三款配色幻青月魄星砂Redmi Note10 Pro使用一塊6.6英寸旗艦級LCD屏幕刷新率達到120Hz,6擋變速高刷逐幀對應智能適配

realme GT Neo flash version is here

Although most of the hardware configuration of the realme GT Neo flash version has not changed,But the change from single cell to dual cell,It also means that its internal space structure will usher in a major change.,it's not easy。Compared to other models that claim to be new versions only by changing the color scheme or appearance material,The realme GT Neo flash version undoubtedly has more sincerity and difficulty。

realme GT Neo flash version released:Equipped with Dimensity 1200 chip,65W Smart Flash Charge

realme today (May 25) held the Realme Heartbeat 618 press conference,The official release of the realme GT Neo Flash Edition,The machine is equipped with Dimensity 1200 chip,Support 65W flash charge,618Starting from 1999CNY。

K40最強對手摩托羅拉edge s先鋒版今晚首銷驍龍870+LCD屏

recently,摩托羅拉又再次為edge s推出了全新的先鋒版採用遠岱寒煙新配色,8GB+128GB售價1999元將於今晚(5月24日)0點正式開售對比此前的標準版摩托羅拉edge s先鋒版不僅提供了新配色售價也有所降低

源自索尼微單相機技術——Sony Xperia 1 III中國版發布

2021May 20,索尼中國宣布推出5G智能新旗艦Sony Xperia 1 III,新品搭載索尼首款配備雙PD傳感器的潛望式可變長焦鏡頭以及4K HDR OLED 120Hz刷新率屏幕在影像方面實現創新性新突破作為One Sony黑科技的集大成者,Sony Xperia 1 III將通過豐富的新功能給用戶帶來影音娛樂各方面出色的體驗

Sony Xperia 1 III China version released - the world's first 4K&120Hz mobile phone

2021On the afternoon of May 20, 2019, Sony released the new generation flagship Sony Xperia during the Sony EXPO in Shanghai. 1 III。Sony Xperia 1 III equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor,Using 4500mAh battery,The matching 30W charger can charge the phone to 50% in 30 minutes.;Sony Xperia 1 III uses a 6.5-inch screen,The resolution is 4K and also supports 120Hz refresh rate;Sony Xperia 1 III retains the 3.5mm audio interface,And external dual speakers,The volume is 40% higher than the previous generation;Shooting,Sony Xperia 1 III is fully calibrated by the camera department,The lens adopts Zeiss T* coating standard,The telephoto lens is a periscope variable telephoto lens,Switchable between 70mm and 105mm focal lengths。

榮耀Play5搭載“三叉戟”電芯方案:66W超級快充 15分鐘可回血
