華為P50 Pro亮點匯總——不止徠卡四攝這麼簡單!

據國外知名設計師HoiINDI最新發布的信息顯示全新的華為華為P50 Pro將採用頂部中置挖孔屏屏幕弧度不是很大華為P50系列按照慣例自然應該搭載最新的麒麟9000L/9000E/9000處理器。also,該機將內置4200~4300mAh容量電池支持66W有線快充和55W的無線快充

華為P50 Pro+全新高清渲染圖曝光雙圓四攝 麒麟9000L

設計師HoiINDI修改了華為P50 Pro的外形渲染圖,simply put,背部的雙圓環攝像頭中鏡頭的排布方式做了調整上圓環內有三顆攝像頭下圓環內是方形潛望式多倍變焦鏡頭攝像頭輪廓和已經發布的華為nova 8系列有異曲同工之妙正面上HUAWEI P50 Pro採用頂部中置挖孔屏屏幕弧度不是很大



Huawei Mate 40 The new version of Pro enters the network,No charger

Huawei Mate 40 Pro recently re-passed 3C certification,Which shows impressively,New version of Huawei Mate 40 Pro also canceled the original standard charging head。Introduced according to product specifications,On Huawei Mate 40 Pro series products,When the product is a glass case (back cover),Switching power adapter is an optional part;When the product is a PU leather case (back cover),The switching power adapter is a standard component。

華為Mate 40E正式上市單挖孔屏 4599CNY起

3月18日消息華為Mate 40E將於今天上午10:08正式首銷起售價4599元(8GB+128GB)有亮黑色、glaze white、秘銀色三種配色華為Mate 40E採用的是曲面單挖孔屏,The screen size is 6.5 inches,搭載麒麟990E處理器後置超感知徠卡影像包括6400萬廣角主攝、800萬長焦和1600萬超廣角電池為4200mAh支持40W有線、40W wireless flash charge。

麒麟710晶片以上機型均可陞級華為Harmony OS華為與榮耀皆可

在Mate X2折疊屏手機發布會上華為正式向外宣布從今年四月份開始華為旗艦機將陸續升級鴻蒙OS系統。today,數碼博主@長安數碼君表示經過和相關人員的溝通核實之後目前暫定的是搭載華為麒麟710芯片以上的機型無論華為或榮耀都會升級華為鴻蒙Harmony OS

Huawei MateBook D 14 2021Detailed evaluation

Huawei MateBook D 14 2021This is Huawei's latest product for young people,Its design is more in line with the aesthetics of young users,Beneath its refined appearance is powerful performance and an excellent interactive experience,11th Generation Core Processors、The MX450 discrete graphics card provides young people with the performance guarantee to create freely,And excellent multi-screen collaboration breaks the barriers between different devices,Make data flow more accessible,At the same time, users can also focus on one screen,Work and study more efficiently。

Huawei MateBook 14 2021experience:The era of wisdom for professionals

Huawei MateBook 14 2021Inheriting the past advantages of family products,14inch notebook,The screen ratio is high, so it is both thin and efficient。2K-resolution full screen plus multi-touch,visual and tactile,Improve my experience。Strong enough performance,Handles my daily work needs with ease。And Huawei sharing and multi-screen collaboration,It is the place where it makes its smart office performance even more powerful。

華為Mate40E 正式發布搭載麒麟990E處理器

this morning,華為宣布全新華為Mate40E正式上線華為Mate40E延續了Mate40系列的外觀搭載海思麒麟990E處理器,,Built-in 4200mAh battery,支持雙40W 有線無線超級快充