消息稱華為P50月底發布:image upgrade、獨占鴻蒙系統新特性

有多方消息傳聞稱華為將在7月29日召開新品發布會正式推出新一代年度旗艦——華為P50系列根據接近華為的爆料者最新消息華為P50系列作為首款預裝HarmonyOS自研系統的手機不僅會支持此前已有的功能還會首發一些HarmonyOS的全新特性並且將會在很長一段時間內獨占新特性。in addition,消息還稱華為P50並非全系4G還將同時推出5G版本處理器將更換為麒麟9000L芯片


a few days ago,Letsgodigital曝光了華為的一項全新手機外觀專利從專利來看該手機就採用了屏下攝像頭。It is reported that,該專利是由華為技術有限公司在2020年12月15日向中國國家知識產權局(CNIPA)提交,2021年7月9日獲得授權從專利圖來看該手機採用全面屏設計並且屏幕邊框十分窄。also,屏幕上方並沒有打孔手機頂部也只有一個3.5毫米的耳機插孔和聽筒由此可推斷該手機應該是採用了屏下攝像頭

The most expensive Huawei Mate40 Pro:Priced at $71,080, limited to 8 units

recently,Caviar, an internationally renowned luxury customization brand, recently launched three customized versions of Huawei Mate40 Pro,in,Landscape Chinese painting edition is limited to 76 pieces worldwide,Priced at $6290;The Flying Lion Pixiu Edition is limited to 16 units worldwide,Priced at $6450;Precious Harmony Edition priced at $71,080,Only 8 units in the world。

Huawei MatePad 11 price exposure

not long ago,華為在鴻蒙系統發布會上公佈了MatePad11平板電腦並且宣布該機將搭載鴻蒙系統+高通驍龍865也是高通芯片與鴻蒙的首次合體。 this afternoon,有博主爆料稱在華為官方的“華為體驗店Go”小程序中已經出現了MatePad 11的身影並且曝光了該機的價格信息其起售價將定位2499CNY。According to previous news,華為MatePad 11有望會在7月6日(下週二)正式發布。 Comprehensive information known so far,華為MatePad 11整體將繼承MatePad 12.6類似的方案正面採用無開孔的全面屏設計屏幕尺寸為11英寸屏幕面板不僅擁有2K級別的刷新率還支持120Hz超高刷新率能帶來更流暢的操控體驗背部則採用豎置的雙攝組合。 core aspect,MatePad 11搭載的高通驍龍865處理器也是當前大火的驍龍870標準版雖然並不支持蜂窩網絡但是性能方面完全處於平板電腦的第一梯隊陣營。 have to be aware of is,MatePad 11搭載的驍龍865並不支持5G網絡甚至連4G網絡都不支持僅能使用WiFi連接支持最新的WiFi6技術這也是目前華為處境之下的無奈之舉至於軟件方面MatePad 11同樣會搭載剛剛發布的HarmonyOS 2.0系統並且支持全新的鴻蒙桌面、Multi-screen collaboration、HyperTerminal、全局手寫等功能這也是目前華為的核心競爭力之一。 Related Reading:Huawei MatePad Pro…

Huawei MatePad 11 new product uses Qualcomm Snapdragon 865:120Hz high brush / pre-installed HarmonyOS

據數碼博主@長安數碼君7月2日消息華為MatePad 11平板電腦樣機已到達華為線下門店若無變動官方將在7月4日開啟新品預熱,7月6日正式發布華為MatePad 11同樣出廠預裝HarmonyOS2華為MatePad 11還有另一個重要優勢那就是支持120Hz高刷新率可以帶來更加流暢的操作體驗而MatePad Pro 12.6、MatePad Pro 10.8兩款新平板則因為某些限制原因並未能搭載高刷新率面板

Huawei nova 8i on the official website:Snapdragon 662+66w+64MP

today,Huawei nova 8i listed on Huawei Malaysia official website,Expected to be officially released next week,Price not yet announced。Huawei Malaysia official website shows,Huawei nova 8i has interstellar blue、moonlight silver、Starry black three colors,The front is a dual-hole full screen,Ring lens on the back,The shape of the whole machine is like a straight screen version of Mate 40 Pro。Body thickness 8.58mm,Weight about 190g。 core configuration,Huawei nova 8i uses a 6.67-inch full screen,The resolution is 1080×2376, and the screen ratio is 94.7%,Equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 processor,Equipped with 8GB RAM、128GB storage,Rear 64 million main camera、800Wanchao wide-angle and two 2 million sub-cameras,The front main camera is 16 million pixels,The battery is 4300mAh,Support 66W fast charge。 Official introduction,Huawei nova 8i can be charged to 60% in just 17 minutes,38Fills up in minutes,Support Bluetooth 5.0,Support side fingerprint recognition。It is worth noting that,Huawei nova 8i pre-installed with EMUI 11 system,The price of the machine will be officially announced next week。

華為無線榮獲三項GSMA 全球移動大獎

根據華為官方消息在MWC 2021期間,2021 GSMA全球移動大獎(GLOMO)新鮮出爐華為無線榮獲“最佳移動網絡基礎設施獎”“最佳新興市場移動創新獎”“最佳抗疫技術創新獎”三項大獎GSMA GLOMO 獎項素有“移動產業奧斯卡”的美稱是對實力與貢獻的認可除了華為之外其它設備製造商也獲得了獎項

Huawei P50 series is coming soon:Offline stores have begun to prepare prototypes、materials

Blogger @Changan Digital Jun broke the news on June 16,Huawei P50 series mobile phones have begun to plan prototypes and package store materials offline,7month should see。At present, Huawei P50 (model JAD-AL50) has obtained the network access license from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.,This means that the machine is waiting for the official release.。

Huawei P50 Standard Edition Specifications Exposure:Centered hole punch,Or equipped with Snapdragon 888 4G

sources say,Huawei P50 Standard Edition will use a centered punch-hole straight screen solution,This is also the most popular screen design on the market.,The screen size is 6.3 inches,Body measurements 156.7*74*8.3mm,Weighs only 187g ,A very thin flagship phone。