Mi 11 Lite detailed review

得益於驍龍780G不妥協的性能基礎所在小米11青春版(小米11 Lite)作為一款強調感性體驗的機型吸引小清新用戶的眼球同時也能得到“直男”觀眾的喝彩。and,不用忍受大塑料不用犧牲性能就能在2299元起步的價格基礎上收穫可能是現今最輕薄的5G手機——Mi 11 Lite厚度僅有6.81mm重量僅159g另外還有33W快充配合4250mAh電池甚至全功能NFC、Infrared remote control、Linear motor、高素質AMOLED高刷屏

realme X7 Pro Extreme Edition review

The change from realme X7 Pro to realme X7 Pro Extreme Edition seems to basically only upgrade a curved screen,But this kind of hyperboloid design that narrows left and right can indeed bring about an improvement in the grip。Compared with Realme X7 Pro,The thickness of Realme X7 Pro Extreme Edition has been reduced from 7.8mm to 8.5mm,Weight reduced from 185g to 170g;4500Large mAh battery + 65W fast charge,Tianji 1000+ processor,A curved screen dream has been fulfilled for users with insufficient budget。

Black Shark 4 Pro review:The first game console with "SSD"

under disk array acceleration,The sequential read and write speed of Black Shark 4 Pro has almost reached the theoretical peak of UFS 3.1 flash memory。RAMdisk realizes "fast speed up",On the inherent limit of storage speed,Load the game directly from the RAM emulated disk,It also achieved a few seconds of breakthrough in the already limit loading speed.。Classic mechanical shoulder keys upgraded to magnetic power,This time, it is still equipped with the entire Black Shark 4 Pro.,Give all players the opportunity to enjoy the comfort of mechanical keys。Gaming phones inevitably face severe heat dissipation problems,But this time, the cooling accessories of the Black Shark 4 series are more abundant。The measured heat dissipation back clip + heat dissipation protective shell can also keep the temperature in the holding area of ​​both hands at about 38 ℃。as a gaming phone,Black Shark 4Pro can let you say goodbye to "hot hands" completely。

Exposure to Huawei P50 Pro+ equipped with liquid lens:Or refresh the DxO list

4月11日據知名爆料博主@數碼閒聊站透露“華為的液態鏡頭測試了很久目前產業鏈那邊配套方案大都是中長焦做中間的銜接焦段也還不錯”華為P50系列還有望全球首發IMX800傳感器擁有1/1.18英寸超大底該圖像傳感器是索尼有史以來最大尺寸的傳感器如果爆料信息準確那麼液態鏡頭IMX800傳感器RYYB技術的結合勢必會帶來更震撼的影像效果預計華為P50 Pro+的影像系統或再次登頂DxO排行榜成為領先全球的影像旗艦

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OPPO memory expansion technology exposure:12GB RAM becomes 19GB in seconds

a few days ago,It is reported that,OPPO's memory expansion technology is coming soon,Compatible models include OPPO Reno5 series、A series models。It is understood,OPPO's memory expansion technology supports up to 7GB expansion,On the mobile phone with the highest real 12GB large RAM in the Reno5 series at the same price,7GB of RAM can be expanded,Equivalent RAM up to 19GB。Memory Expansion Technology is an Accessibility Feature,during mobile phone use,When encountering insufficient RAM,Part of the storage space can be called,Temporarily used as RAM。

Lenovo Legion Gaming Phone 2 Pro Officially Released

聯想拯救者電競手機2 Pro於4月8日晚19:30 official release,拯救者電競手機2 Pro專為手游電競玩家打造,Exterior、設計皆為全屏遊戲設計手機配備雙渦扇增壓液冷主被動一體中置散熱系統進一步發揮高通驍龍888 旗艦芯片的潛力拯救者電競手機2 Pro 提供玄和曉兩個配色可選聯想拯救者電競手機2 Pro还獲得了紅點獎

realme GT Neo review:Cost-effective flagship new king

realme GT Neo is equipped with many functions without reservation,Such as NFC、50W fast charge、120Hz direct screen、3.5mm audio interface, etc.,There will be no functional regrets in daily use,Can meet the needs of various scenarios。The improvement of Dimensity 1200 compared to Dimensity 1000+ is very obvious,It can be compared to Snapdragon 865+ under silent frequency;The improvement in taking pictures is another big surprise,realme GT Neo equipped with Dimensity 1200,The imaging look and feel with IMX 682 far exceeds the combination of Dimensity 1000+ and IMX 686 at the beginning of the year,Make up for the lack of computing power。

Honor 9X phone is testing Huawei Harmony OS,It is the same Beta3.0 version as the Huawei model

47th of month,數碼博主@長安數碼君放出了榮耀9X的華為Harmony OS 界面揭示了關於該機的一些內測現狀該機現在同樣處於HarmonyOS 2.0 系統的Beta3.0 版本他此前還表示搭載華為麒麟710芯片以上的機型無論華為或榮耀都可以升級華為鴻蒙Harmony OS