A variety of Xiaomi TVs have been certified to enter the network,just to be published

Xiaomi announced on April 14,The most popular full-screen TV series Xiaomi TV EA new product - Xiaomi TV EA 2022 will be announced today,4Online on the 16th。

Mi 11 Lite detailed review

得益於驍龍780G不妥協的性能基礎所在小米11青春版(小米11 Lite)作為一款強調感性體驗的機型吸引小清新用戶的眼球同時也能得到“直男”觀眾的喝彩。and,不用忍受大塑料不用犧牲性能就能在2299元起步的價格基礎上收穫可能是現今最輕薄的5G手機——Mi 11 Lite厚度僅有6.81mm重量僅159g另外還有33W快充配合4250mAh電池甚至全功能NFC、Infrared remote control、Linear motor、高素質AMOLED高刷屏


根據@TCL華星官微顯示他們曾在1月11日宣布一款搭載In-Cell主動筆技術的10.95英寸屏幕該屏幕通過了主動筆協議方案商Wacom的WGP LV1認證和Microsoft的MPP 2.5認證(兩者均為全球四大主流方案商之一)而小米則現身在這塊屏幕的客戶名單之中

Black Shark 4 Pro review:The first game console with "SSD"

under disk array acceleration,The sequential read and write speed of Black Shark 4 Pro has almost reached the theoretical peak of UFS 3.1 flash memory。RAMdisk realizes "fast speed up",On the inherent limit of storage speed,Load the game directly from the RAM emulated disk,It also achieved a few seconds of breakthrough in the already limit loading speed.。Classic mechanical shoulder keys upgraded to magnetic power,This time, it is still equipped with the entire Black Shark 4 Pro.,Give all players the opportunity to enjoy the comfort of mechanical keys。Gaming phones inevitably face severe heat dissipation problems,But this time, the cooling accessories of the Black Shark 4 series are more abundant。The measured heat dissipation back clip + heat dissipation protective shell can also keep the temperature in the holding area of ​​both hands at about 38 ℃。as a gaming phone,Black Shark 4Pro can let you say goodbye to "hot hands" completely。

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Xiaomi Notebook Pro 15 OLED Reviews

Xiaomi Notebook Pro 15 The i7-11370H processor mounted on the OLED can ensure a full blood output state of 35W even in the process of baking for a long time.。The measured multi-core performance is nearly 50% stronger than that of Qian’s predecessor i7-10510U;35W's H35 + 28W MX450 alone,A total of 60W power consumption,Mi Notebook Pro with dual fans and dual heat pipes 15 When OLED is double-baking with full load of CPU and GPU at the same time,Both can stay full of blood。

Xiaomi Mi Band 6 Review:Just a little bit more to replace a watch

到了此代的小米手環6終於乾掉了觸摸按鍵結合全新的屏幕切割方式提升了可視面積讓屏幕對角線長達1.56英寸的小米手環6相比較前代可視面積提升了有50%之多保留了“米粒”同時將分辨率為152x486的AMOED彩色顯示屏加碼到1.56英寸小米手環6帶來的最大更新之處就是加入了用戶呼聲較高的血氧檢測和心率監測功能其能通過PPG傳感器檢測動脈血氧飽和度、heart rate,幫助用戶規避因為供氧不足所引起的心腦血管疾病等風險當心臟出現異常搏動時會進行預警

Xiaomi Mi Pad 5 is about to enter the network:Snapdragon 870+2K high refresh rate

4月3日知名爆料博主@數碼閒聊站最新消息顯示目前小米平板5已準備完畢即將送網備案小米平板5將同時推出兩款產品其中包括小米平板5小米平板5 Pro分別搭載聯發科天璣1200驍龍870芯片其中Pro版本將主打高端市場

Exposure to Redmi gaming phone released this month:Equipped with Tenken 1200

Redmi gaming phone will be officially released this month。Redmi gaming phone has entered the network of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Model M2104K10C,R & D code ares (Aris),Equipped with Dimensity 1200 processor。Revelations show,The front of the Redmi gaming phone will be equipped with an OLED centered punch hole straight screen,The front camera adopts the same Samsung E4 material screen and ultra-small opening as the Redmi K40,Possess top-level display and control effects,Bring top gaming experience。