一加 9RT規格官宣:Snapdragon 888、三星120Hz E4 直屏、4500mAh battery、65T超級閃充

今天一加手機官方公佈了一加 9RT 手機配置。 official statement,一加 9RT 基礎性能拉滿分別是【滿血三件套】驍龍 888、LPDDR5、UFS 3.1;【滿血直屏】 三星 120Hz E4 直屏;【滿血充電續航】4500mAh 大電池、65T 超級閃充

一加OnePlus將與OPPO全面融合成為OPPO 旗下獨立品牌

一加OnePlus創始人CEO劉作虎6月16日發佈內部郵件宣布一加手機與OPPO將進行全面融合一加將成為OPPO旗下獨立品牌劉作虎在內部郵件中透露,2020 年底一加的研發電商及客服部門也已經與OPPO 融合發揮一體作戰的優勢

一加OnePlus Nord N200完整規格洩露驍龍480、90Hz screen

知名爆料者@Evan Blass 洩露了一加OnePlus Nord N200 完整規格顯示該機將搭載高通驍龍480 5G SoC配備6.49 英寸FHD+ IPS LCD 顯示屏具有90Hz 刷新率、20:9 寬高比、405 PPI、2.5D 曲面玻璃設計

OnePlus 9 Pro video review:Young man's first Hasselblad camera

OnePlus 9 Pro can be regarded as the first Hasselblad camera for young people。OnePlus 9 The "double outsole" main camera brought by Pro,Let the ultra-wide-angle and the main camera have very similar image quality performance。OnePlus jointly developed by OnePlus and Hasselblad (Soviet Union) 9 Pro's color system has greatly changed the imaging of this mobile phone。OnePlus 9 Pro uses LTPO OLED screen,Continuation of 2K+ resolution、120Hz refresh、10bit color depth、HDR10+ and other parameters remain unchanged,Take Advantage of LTPO Materials,OnePlus 9 Pro supports dynamic 1Hz-120Hz refresh rate adjustment,This reduces power consumption by up to 50%。

OnePlus9 Pro detailed review:The new video camera king without defects

This time the OnePlus9 Pro screen is still one of the best in its generation,Based on the new LTPO material,OnePlus 9 Pro's screen brings two major breakthroughs;One is to realize the adjustment of 1Hz-120Hz adaptive refresh rate,Solve the contradiction of high power consumption brought by high resolution + high refresh rate。The other is overclocking response,By increasing the synchronization frequency between the screen and the processor,Doubling the "touch feel"。The image specifications of OnePlus9 Pro are also exceptionally strong,Brings a set of post-camera hardware with no dead ends for daily photos;The main camera is further upgraded to IMX 789;Wide-angle continues the strategy of dual main camera,IMX with larger size is used 766,A rare free-form surface lens is used。The image is beyond the hardware specification upgrade,Also a joint name with Hasselblad,Help OnePlus find the right direction in image style and color expression。

OnePlus 9R review:ColorOS' new and old favorites

The bottom layer of the ColorOS system customized by OnePlus is almost completely irrelevant to the past,Embrace all the features and functions of ColorOS completely and without reservation。OnePlus 9R is a high-spec 120Hz direct screen,The color accuracy has reached the top level of the industry,Especially OnePlus 9 Pro JNCD averaging and automatic brightness adjustment。OnePlus 9R has the blessing of 65W wired fast charging,4500mAh battery,The configuration of Snapdragon 870 platform + UFS 3.0 flash memory defends the basic performance of OnePlus。The imaging system is still the style of OnePlus’s orthodox flagship—emphasizing experience far more than stacking paper parameters,IMX586 has been polished in the hands of OnePlus to achieve better results than in the past,Software algorithm is still the competitiveness of OnePlus Imaging。

OnePlus 9 Pro review:A video machine king beyond imagination

OnePlus 9 Pro is undoubtedly a "machine king" level imaging flagship mobile phone,Its image recording capability is professional and convenient。At the same time, the OnePlus 9 series is the first to be equipped with dual main cameras and ultra-wide-angle free-form lenses as standard.,It also shows that OnePlus expects to cover more shooting scenes with excellent shooting experience;The cooperation with Hasselblad has also brought a significant upgrade in imaging capabilities to OnePlus 9 Pro. OnePlus 9 series chooses to carry ColorOS 11 for OnePlus,Can provide users with more comprehensive and rich system functions,Let the OnePlus 9 series go beyond hardware and software。

OnePlus 9 Pro experience review:哈蘇來了屏幕靚了

從一加9 Pro選擇在專業模式上發力並且提供了強大的RAW格式原片直出不難看出一加仍舊追求更加專業和硬核的體驗;OnePlus 9 Pro 將哈蘇自然色彩帶到了相機上讓用戶能夠通過自己的拍照創作去傳遞屬於自己的哈蘇美學哈蘇感的自然色彩哈蘇範的產品細節哈蘇般的操作體驗顯然這次一加不再滿足於鏡頭硬件參數的堆料而是更強調與哈蘇合作能夠帶給用戶什麼一加手機能夠呈現怎樣的相機體驗

一加OnePlus Watch評測精緻外表下的專業健康監測

OnePlus Watch雖然是一加的第一款智能手錶但它絕對不是個傳統意義上的“新人”從外形設計到用料做工從運動健康到日常便利再從獨立線性馬達到Warp閃充OnePlus Watch都是一個不折不扣的成熟體OnePlus Watch能協助大家隨時關注自己的身體健康狀態幫助大家更加輕鬆便利地完成日常瑣事同時用質感十足的“身段”滿足了各位對精緻“物件”的追求