

曝華為MatePad Pro 2下月發P50延期至7月

5月17日博主@禿然熊貓發文透露MatePad Pro 2將會如期在6月2日發布還有一款MatePad 2將會在7月份與P50系列一同發布這就意味著華為P50系列又一次延期了。in addition,根據供應鏈相關消息華為MatePad Pro 2將會在6月10日正式開啟首銷MatePad Pro 2運行的系統是一款華為針對平板產品專門打造的Pad版Harmony OS

iQOO Neo5 Vitality Edition Announced:LCD digging screen + Snapdragon 870

518th of the month,The iQOO mobile phone officially announced the real photo of the iQOO Neo5 Vitality Edition directly on Weibo,It shows that the machine will inherit the previous family design,A punch-hole full screen is used on the front,Proactive is located in the upper right corner of the screen,The rear camera adopts a three-shot solution arranged vertically。According to previous news,iQOO Neo5 Vitality Edition 6.6LCD Straight Screen,Support FHD+ level resolution,And supports 144Hz refresh rate、240Hz touch sampling rate,This will also give many LCD screen lovers more options。

榮耀50核心參數曝光:6nm process、A78定制架構首發高通新Soc

518th of the month,知名爆料博主@數碼閒聊站爆料稱榮耀50系列將會首發高通驍龍778G(sm7325)處理器這款全新的驍龍778G還支持最高100W QC5快充協議這也與此前3C認證信息中的100W充電保持一致

Qualcomm 5G Chip Vulnerability:5The G mobile phone has not been used, the loophole has come first, the problem or no solution

recently,Overseas security firm Check Point Research finds vulnerabilities in Qualcomm 5G chips,The modem chip is mainly responsible for the communication function of the mobile phone,with 2G、3G、4G、5G-functional system-on-chip (integration of a complete system on a single chip)。Quoted from Yaniv Balmas, head of research at Check Point,"These chip flaws allowed hundreds of millions of mobile phones to run naked around the world.,Repairing these phones is an impossible task。」


broke the news,即將發售的華為P50系列將全部採用維信諾和京東方的國產屏幕局面板具體都細分的型號來看華為P50基礎版將採用維信諾屏幕P50 Pro將混用京東方和維信諾屏幕而更高級的P50 Pro+將採用京東方最新的屏幕

Harmony OS 2.0 is now open source

據數碼博主@釗哥科普最新爆料全新的鴻蒙OpenHarmony 2.0將從今天起到6月2日陸續開源!據介紹OpenHarmony 2.0大約有460萬行關鍵代碼相當於Android 10 1525萬行的三成同時有大約1.8萬個關鍵API (應用程序接口),相當於Android 10 3.6萬多個的一半而安裝包體積縮小到60-70%,cell phone、flat、可穿戴設備、television、傳感器等各種設備都能使用

OPPO Find X3 Pro Mars Exploration Edition goes on sale in limited quantities today

5月16日上午10:00,OPPO Find X3 Pro火星探索版開始限量開售配備16GB內存與512GB機身存儲,Price: 6999CNY。OPPO Find X3 Pro厚8.26 毫米重193g採用環形山影像鏡組火星探索版擁有專屬新色和定制主題內置火星色彩濾鏡OPPO Find X3 Pro搭載驍龍888擁有超大超薄VC 液冷散熱設計,Built-in 4500mAh battery,支持65W超級閃充、30W wireless flash charge、10W wireless reverse charging。camera,Find X3系列使用5000 萬像素1/1.56寸雙主攝搭配兩個索尼聯合開發傳感器IMX766、60倍顯微鏡、1300萬長焦鏡頭還擁有全鏈路10bit色彩引擎,shoot、storage、顯示都是10億色

OPPO Reno6 Pro+ configuration exposure will make up for the shortcomings of the previous generation

5月14日據知名數碼博主@數碼閒聊站稱OPPO Reno6 Pro+將搭載驍龍870處理器定價在4000CNY價位左右OPPO Reno6 Pro+還將使用定制IMX766主攝支持65W有線快充機身內置4500mAh電池機身厚度為7.59mm機身重量182g。also,OPPO Reno6 Pro+將補齊上一代短板增加聽筒雙揚聲器、X-axis linear motor。