Honor V40 mobile phone review:The best solution for continuation and breakthrough

As the first mobile phone launched by Honor after its independence,,Overall, the Honor V40 is a qualified product,Unique ID design,Excellent screen,Powerful fast charging,There are also the same system functions as before,This is the advantage of this phone,certainly,its in the image、performance,There is still room for improvement,But for the present glory,In fact, the overall experience has exceeded our expectations。

A new form of smartphone! A new generation of folding flagship Huawei Mate X2 will be released on February 22

華為Mate X2折疊屏手機將於2月22日發佈華為Mate X2將採用內折雙屏的設計方案華為Mate X2采用一块8.01英寸的内折主屏分辨率为2480×2200外部的副屏尺寸为6.45 英寸分辨率为2700×1160配置上该机将搭载华为最新的麒麟9000 处理器搭载5000万像素 + 1600万像素 + 1200万像素 + 800万像素的四摄组合其中还包含潜望式长焦镜头支持10倍混合光学变焦。also,该机内置4400mAh电池机身尺寸为 161.8×145.8×8.2mm

realme X7 Pro detailed review:"Screen" strength C debut

realme X7 Pro is by no means a mediocre product,It has its own unique character and style。Especially in the system UI、Hardware Configuration、On the premise of not falling behind in video photography,realme X7 Pro also brings the ultimate screen look and feel、Smart charging experience and rare thin and light body,And what young people can't put it down、"Fashionable" attributes exuded from the inside out,These have left a deep impression on us。

Motorola edge s mobile phone review:The first Snapdragon 870,Ready For AI turns mobile phones into "computers" in seconds

As a new model launched by Motorola for the Chinese market recently,in configuration,The combination of motorola edge s Snapdragon 870+LPDDR5+UFS3.1 can ensure the smooth operation of the phone,The 5000mAh large battery provides users with a longer battery life,6400The front and rear dual super wide-angle six-cameras meet the daily shooting needs of users。Experience motorola edge s MY UI optimized for business office, support Ready For AI smart office also performed well,It can make business users more convenient in their daily work。

HONOR V40 review:The first flagship after independence, changed for experience

HONOR V40在質感和體驗上還是非常不錯的特別是在外觀設計屏幕素質影像功能和快充等方面我們能看出HONOR V40用料很猛暗藏著驚人的迸發力。anyhow,榮耀V40保留有過去的影子同時也有令人驚喜的全新一面

HONOR V40影像評測 5000萬像素超感光相機

榮耀V40延續了V30系列的Matrix Camera矩陣影像系統獨家定制的RYYB大尺寸傳感器有著非常出色的成像表現榮耀V40這次在外觀設計影像表現核心配置上做了一次完美的“平衡”HONOR V40在屏幕體驗、video experience、系統體驗以及娛樂體驗上都進行了提升對於一款旗艦手機來說榮耀V40的任務圓滿完成了

Honor’s first model after independence—Ten Highlights of Honor V40

作為榮耀獨立後的首款機型榮耀V40沒有完全捨棄以往的設計風格同時又在工藝設計屏幕素質和高幀遊​​戲體驗等方面帶來了新體驗整機的堆料在均衡的基礎上有所突破它是榮耀面對當前特殊市場環境所能拿出的誠意之作新工藝撞色設計、120Hz refresh rate、10100 million original color display、5000Megapixel main camera、雙線性馬達GPU Turbo X圖形加速雙揚聲器以及66W有線+50W無線雙快充各方面配置挑不出明顯短板同時還在該價位段用新潮外觀高幀遊戲打出了差異化亮點

Honor V40 review:10Billion colors waterfall screen,The black technology GTX engine is more than fast for playing games

榮耀V40上搭載了Magic UI 4.0、GPU Turbo X 圖形加速引擎、4000毫安加66W有線快充/50W無線超級快充採取了單電芯三極快充方案外觀上的大膽創新性能上的穩中求進流暢細膩的10-bit屏幕讓人舒適的雙超級快充等等這些都是榮耀V40給我們帶來的全面體驗雖千萬人吾往矣榮耀V40作為榮耀的開年之作它的出現也在表示著榮耀的決心即使強敵環伺榮耀也會在未來為不斷輸出其高端定位且全面優秀的產品而努力

vivo X60 Pro Plus詳細評測-可能是目前最強的5G影像手機

vivo X60 Pro+就是一款主打拍照的“超大杯”5G手機新鮮出爐的驍龍888旗艦晶片蔡司光學、Micro gimbal anti-shake、1/1.3英寸大底感測器和雙長焦镜头等高端配寘讓人目不暇接本文將從vivo X60 Pro Plus的外觀、image、電池續航、game performance、OriginOS互動等方面進行測評並與iPhone 12 Pro Max影像效能進行對比