
5月10日榮耀手機官方通過微博正式宣布榮耀Play5系列新品發布會將於5月18日(下週二)舉行從曬出的預熱海報來看榮耀Play5正面採用水滴屏設計後置矩陣四攝。battery life,該機內置3800mAh容量電池其最大亮點是支持華為Mate40系列同款的66W快充

New exposure of Redmi K40 Gaming Edition:Changing core Dimensity 1100

There seems to be another version of the Redmi K40 Gaming Edition。According to the latest news from the well-known breaking news blogger @数码闲聊站,Redmi also has a new machine equipped with Dimensity 1100 that has not yet been released,And this new phone will be equipped with a 2400*1080p high-brush centered single-hole screen,Built-in 5000mAh± battery,Support 67w fast charge,The rear main camera is 64 million pixels。This mysterious new machine is consistent with the Redmi K40 gaming version as a whole,And retain the combination of 5000mAh large battery + 67W fast charge,The exterior aspect is also expected to be fully preserved,Only the core is changed to Dimensity 1100。


56th,安兔兔公佈了4月Android手機效能榜Android旗艦效能榜前10名均為驍龍888手機進入前10名的高階機型有:Black Shark 4 Pro、OPPO Find X3 Pro、紅魔遊戲手機6 Pro一加9 Pro拯救者電競手機2 Pro、vivo X60 Pro+、iQOO 7、一加手機9、Mi 11 Ultra、小米11中階手機進入前10名的有Redmi 10X、iQOO 3、huawei nova 8 Pro、Honor 30、huawei nova…

OPPO K9手機正式發布搭載驍龍768G,65W 閃充

5月6日下午OPPO舉行了K9系列超次元發布會OPPO K系列新品OPPO K9正式發布OPPO K9支持65W快充僅需35分鐘即可將4300mAh電池充至100%OPPO K9採用6.43英寸三星OLED電競屏,The refresh rate is 90Hz,搭載高通驍龍768G處理器,Front 32 million pixels,Rear 64 million main camera、800Wanchao wide angle、200萬微距三攝運行ColorOS 11。

OPPO K9 super-dimensional conference four new products released together

56th,OPPO held an online K9 ultra-dimensional conference,Heavy release of OPPO K9 mobile phone、OPPO Smart TV K9、Four New OPPO Enco Air and OPPO Band Vitality Editions。in,K9 mobile phone with OPPO exclusive 65W flash charge,Combined with the HDR10+ certified smart TV K9 as a "pair-K set"。In addition, there is also the world's first high-performance OPPO Enco Air true wireless headset certified by TüV Rheinland.,And the OPPO Band Vitality Edition was released at the same time。

雷軍小米11 Ultra的副屏成本不是太高設計難點是空間

5月5日雷軍在微博上表示關於小米11ultra 副屏討論非常多你是支持加副屏還是不支持加副屏?補充一下加一個副屏這個屏幕不大物料成本也不是太高設計難點是空間。in addition,雷軍在評論中透露小米11 Ultra 將解決背屏通知無法關閉問題另外未收到DXO 相機版本更新的也快了

華為Mate X2升級Harmony OS 2.0後部分遊戲體驗比EMUI更好功耗卻更低

recently,華為Harmony OS 2.0(鴻蒙2.0)系統已經開始公測不少用戶已經報名參加並收到了華為的推送系統由基於安卓定制的EMUI 11切換到鴻蒙OS。51st of month,數碼博主@數碼閒聊站簡單測試了華為Mate X2鴻蒙OS 2.0的性能表現他表示在《王者榮耀》極致畫質以及《和平精英》的HDR抗鋸齒模式下基於Harmony OS 2.0運行的流暢度和穩定性比EMUI 11更好而且功耗也更低

Redmi K40 Gaming Enhanced Edition teardown:Witness the magnetic dynamic shoulder key structure

Redmi K40 Gaming Enhanced Edition (Xiaomi Poco F3 GT) is a new member of the Redmi K40 series that officially debuted on April 27,Redmi K40 Gaming built the magnetically powered lift trigger on the Black Shark phone,a few days ago,Redmi Redmi mobile phone officially released the official teardown,Clearly display the internal structure of the Redmi K40 Game Enhanced Edition。

榮耀Play5曝光:66W fast charge,或搭載天璣800U

430th,榮耀Play系列產品經理韋驍龍為將在5月發布的榮耀Play新品預熱如無意外該新品便是傳聞當中的榮耀Play5榮耀Play5將搭載一塊6.53英寸的水滴FHD屏幕屏幕材質採用OLED材質或支持屏幕指紋解鎖,66W super fast charge,後置矩陣四攝