realme GT game performance evaluation

34th of the month,realme brings a new "GT series" new machine,Main flagship performance。realme GT is equipped with a 6.43-inch Super AMOLED screen,Support 120Hz high refresh rate and 100% P3 color gamut display,At the same time, it is equipped with the Snapdragon 888 flagship chip、LPDDR5 memory + UFS 3.1 flash memory、A new generation of 3D tempered liquid cooling、Linear motor、Dual Stereo Speakers and "GT Mode" to Drain Processor Performance,The software and hardware stockpile can be described as full。

vivo S9 comprehensive evaluation:Continuing the Selfie Lineage,Raise hardware performance

Vivo S9 this mobile phone,The design is exquisite enough,The performance of Dimensity 1100 is strong,Heat dissipation is good enough,The system is also user-friendly,but take pictures,especially selfies,It has always been one of the core competitiveness engraved in the bones of this series。Especially in terms of gameplay and post-production,Vivo S9 has raised the "splendid variety" in quantity and the "fool level" in intuitive operation to a new level。Combined with the 90Hz refresh rate screen of vivo S9,And integrates performance optimization technologies such as memory fusion and Mulit-Turbo,Whether in terms of functionality or appearance,OriginOS has added a lot of points to this phone。

全鏈路色彩—OPPO Find X3 Pro評測

全新的OPPO Find X3 Pro首發搭載全鏈路10bit色彩引擎不僅拉動屏幕和影像還將色彩管理帶到了轉碼存儲等環節有望重塑行業規則掀起新的手機色彩革命。besides,還有獨樹一幟的“不可能曲面”、Snapdragon 888、65W超級閃充以及IP68等旗艦等配置。no doubt,OPPO Find X3 Pro是一款亮點非常多且全面的機型不失OPPO“十年理想之作”之實

1Hz-120Hz intelligent dynamic frame rate,OPPO Find X3 Pro solves the anxiety of high battery refresh rate

越來越多旗艦手機的屏幕支持2K分辨率和120Hz高刷新率同時開啟了這雖然給我們帶來了極致高清絲滑的體驗但手機耗電量往往也跟著高了不少OPPO Find X3系列憑藉三大軟硬件優化在提供最強性能和顯示效果的同時也有著頗為出色的續航表現讓我們可以盡情享受極致體驗也無需為電量而焦慮稱得上是一款趨於完美的理想之作

OPPO Find X3 Pro gaming experience is extraordinary:Software and hardware complement each other

OPPO Find X3 Pro搭載了最新的高通驍龍888處理器採用最新的LTPO混合背板技術,Can achieve an excellent experience of QHD + resolution + 120Hz refresh rate at full speed,And this screen also supports dynamic refresh rate adjustment from 1-120Hz,Provides an excellent balance between experience and battery life。OPPO Find X3 Pro還搭載了最新的ColorOS 11.2系統,The ColorOS 11.2 system also has further optimization for game scenes.。

OPPO Find X3 Pro Imaging System Review

OPPO Find X3系列後置影像系統為5000萬廣角IMX766+5000萬超廣角IMX766+1300萬長焦鏡頭+300萬顯微鏡頭這套影像系統首先具備全焦段影像能力從廣角到最大20倍變焦場景均能拍攝其次是OPPO Find X3全系支持光學防抖與電子防抖我們從主攝、wide angle、night view、顯微鏡共四個方面測試了OPPO Find X3 系列影像表現力主攝對於色彩的把控與還原廣角的畫面表現力夜景還原精細變焦效果精準成片率高微距的超強表現都給我們留下了深刻印象

Xiaomi 10S mobile phone review

小米10S是一款定位非常精準的次旗艦它在小米10標準版的基礎上升級了這個價位段用戶最關心的核心配件SoC同時還降低了價格可惜的是雖然它的影像系統採取了類似於小米10 至尊紀念版的“小至尊”設計但硬件素質仍然是去年小米10 標準版的水平。In general,如果你對於性能和續航等更為關注的話那麼小米10S 會是一個相當不錯的選擇

Huawei Mate X2 vs Samsung W21 5G:different experience

華為Mate X2和三星W21 5G都是自家的第三代折疊屏產品均採用了內折外置小屏內置大屏的設計除了三星W21 5G三星還有另一款配寘類似的折疊屏手機三星Galaxy Z Fold2 5G這篇華為Mate X2和三星W21 5G的比較對想買三星Galaxy Z Fold2 5G的用戶也有參攷價值

華為Mate X2折疊屏評測內折無縫無摺痕/與普通手機顯示對比

華為Mate X2相比起上一代升級不僅僅是一點點除了形態上的變化之外在玩法上也更加多樣化它滿足了我對於手機以及平板的需求