Xiaomi Mi Band 6 Review:Just a little bit more to replace a watch

到了此代的小米手環6終於乾掉了觸摸按鍵結合全新的屏幕切割方式提升了可視面積讓屏幕對角線長達1.56英寸的小米手環6相比較前代可視面積提升了有50%之多保留了“米粒”同時將分辨率為152x486的AMOED彩色顯示屏加碼到1.56英寸小米手環6帶來的最大更新之處就是加入了用戶呼聲較高的血氧檢測和心率監測功能其能通過PPG傳感器檢測動脈血氧飽和度、heart rate,幫助用戶規避因為供氧不足所引起的心腦血管疾病等風險當心臟出現異常搏動時會進行預警

LG mobile phone "final work" LG Rollable scroll screen has been certified real machine image exposure

recently,LG, one of the former giants in the mobile phone industry, officially announced the launch of the smartphone market,The news shocked many。sources say,LG's scroll-screen phone, originally scheduled to launch this year、LG Wing、Products like the LG V70 have also been discontinued,This means that the scroll screen mobile phone closest to mass production will die directly。the strange thing is,According to overseas bloggers,The LG Rollable mobile phone also passed the radio certification of the Korean Communications Authority on April 5,The blogger also said that the machine may be introduced to the market at a later date。

OPPO's folding screen phone is about to be mass-produced:two models、two forms


索尼Xperia1 III和Xperia10 III新機與保護套渲染圖曝光

recently,配件製造商Olixar在官網上曬出了索尼Xperia 1 III 和Xperia 10 III 新機與保護套的渲染圖雖然整體看起來與去年發布的上一代產品幾乎沒有變化但後攝模組還是有望迎來備受期待的功能更新比如蔡司加持的潛望式長焦鏡頭手機背面左上角具有一顆閃光燈以及一個3D ToF 傳感器攝像頭模組的凸起部分印有蔡司T * 鍍膜字樣

OPPO new machine exposure:Full non-porous design + under-screen proactive + true full screen

4According to digital blogger @数码闲话站 broke the news on June 6,OPPO is developing a completely hole-free phone,The new machine adopts the under-screen proactive solution,Rear camera is electrochromic technology,Equipped with side pressure-sensitive buttons。

vivo X70系列有望在6月發布蔡司鏡頭+三星AMOLED屏+骁龙888

據博主@禿然熊貓消息vivo X70 Pro+版本除搭載高通驍龍888處理器外屏幕換成了三星E4材質AMOLED屏分辨率依然為1080p前攝採用中置打孔方案並且還補齊了立體聲雙揚聲器vivo X70 Pro+主攝尺寸大於1/1.28英寸擁有蔡司認證或內置4500mAh容量電池,Support 66W fast charge。

vivo X70 曝光:Zeiss、4500mAh 電池+66W 快充

4月6日數碼博主@禿然熊貓透露vivo下一代X 系列旗艦vivo X70 Pro+將搭載高通驍龍888 芯片主攝尺寸大於1/1.28 英寸擁有蔡司認證Pro 款預計擁有4500mAh 電池,Support 66W fast charge,採用三星E4 材質AMOLED 屏擁有雙揚聲器預計Pro+ 在這些方面持平或更強基礎版未知該系列機型預計將於6 月左右發布

Intel 11th Generation Core Processor i9-11900K Review

in performance,The first test of the Intel Core i9-11900K is still strong,especially games,Regardless of comparing your previous generation Core i9-10900K or AMD Ryzen 5000 processor,The Intel Core i9-11900K takes advantage of both。This time Intel’s 11th generation Core desktop processors introduced AVX-512 and Deep Learning Boost instructions,These instruction sets are very helpful for games, AI industry and professional content creators,There will be more AI software and games for compatibility and optimization,This is actually a huge improvement for Intel's 11th generation Core desktop processors that has not been put on the bright side.。

phone with turbo fan:Lenovo Savior 2 Pro real machine is exposed for the first time - RGB breathing light + built-in turbo fan

4月6日早上@數碼閒聊站帶來了拯救者電競手機2 Pro的首張真機諜照。Show according to the picture,聯想拯救者2 Pro採用側面彈出式前攝背部在處理器位置整體凸起帶來了更大的散熱空間並配備業內首創的雙渦輪超維散熱系統有利於驍龍888發揮出極致性能聯想拯救者在近期正式官宣將在4月8日推出拯救者2 Pro