Redmi K40 Gaming Enhanced Edition teardown:Witness the magnetic dynamic shoulder key structure

Redmi K40 Gaming Enhanced Edition (Xiaomi Poco F3 GT) is a new member of the Redmi K40 series that officially debuted on April 27,Redmi K40 Gaming built the magnetically powered lift trigger on the Black Shark phone,a few days ago,Redmi Redmi mobile phone officially released the official teardown,Clearly display the internal structure of the Redmi K40 Game Enhanced Edition。

曝華為MatePad Pro 2定於6月2日發布,預裝Harmony OS

4月30日有數碼博主爆料稱華為MatePad Pro 2暫定於6月2日發布華為MatePad Pro 2將同時擁有兩種尺寸版本其中一款採用12.2英寸的華星屏幕另一款則配備了12.6英寸的三星OLED屏幕均支持高刷新率華為MatePad Pro 2將搭載Mate 40系列同款的麒麟9000處理器


430th,知名爆料博主@數碼閒聊站在微博曝光了華為P50的第三方機模其中顯示該機正面將採用一塊居中打孔的全面屏方案前攝部分拋棄了以往的“藥丸”式設計僅保留了一顆前置攝像頭開孔整體屏佔比極高背部設計與此前的傳聞相符其將採用橢圓形相機模組。Configuration,Huawei P50、P50 Pro、P50 Pro+三個版本將分別搭載麒麟9000L麒麟9000E、Kirin 9000

Vivo publishes patents for new foldable electronic devices,Realize full screen

427th of the month,Vivo publishes a patent for a "foldable electronic device",The publication number is CN112711301A。patent summary display:The foldable electronic device includes a casing and a display screen mounted on the casing,There is a non-display area on one side of the housing,Functional devices are installed in the non-display area,One end of the display is fixedly connected to the other side of the housing,The other end of the display screen is slidingly connected with the housing;In the folded state of the foldable electronic device,Functional devices are exposed on the display;In the unfolded state of the foldable electronic device,Functional devices are blocked by the display。

榮耀Play5曝光:66W fast charge,或搭載天璣800U

430th,榮耀Play系列產品經理韋驍龍為將在5月發布的榮耀Play新品預熱如無意外該新品便是傳聞當中的榮耀Play5榮耀Play5將搭載一塊6.53英寸的水滴FHD屏幕屏幕材質採用OLED材質或支持屏幕指紋解鎖,66W super fast charge,後置矩陣四攝

OnePlus 9 Pro video review:Young man's first Hasselblad camera

OnePlus 9 Pro can be regarded as the first Hasselblad camera for young people。OnePlus 9 The "double outsole" main camera brought by Pro,Let the ultra-wide-angle and the main camera have very similar image quality performance。OnePlus jointly developed by OnePlus and Hasselblad (Soviet Union) 9 Pro's color system has greatly changed the imaging of this mobile phone。OnePlus 9 Pro uses LTPO OLED screen,Continuation of 2K+ resolution、120Hz refresh、10bit color depth、HDR10+ and other parameters remain unchanged,Take Advantage of LTPO Materials,OnePlus 9 Pro supports dynamic 1Hz-120Hz refresh rate adjustment,This reduces power consumption by up to 50%。

OnePlus9 Pro detailed review:The new video camera king without defects

This time the OnePlus9 Pro screen is still one of the best in its generation,Based on the new LTPO material,OnePlus 9 Pro's screen brings two major breakthroughs;One is to realize the adjustment of 1Hz-120Hz adaptive refresh rate,Solve the contradiction of high power consumption brought by high resolution + high refresh rate。The other is overclocking response,By increasing the synchronization frequency between the screen and the processor,Doubling the "touch feel"。The image specifications of OnePlus9 Pro are also exceptionally strong,Brings a set of post-camera hardware with no dead ends for daily photos;The main camera is further upgraded to IMX 789;Wide-angle continues the strategy of dual main camera,IMX with larger size is used 766,A rare free-form surface lens is used。The image is beyond the hardware specification upgrade,Also a joint name with Hasselblad,Help OnePlus find the right direction in image style and color expression。

Netizens Feedback on Huawei Mate 40 After Pro+ upgrades to HarmonyOS 2.0, Google services can still be used

從昨天開始華為的鴻蒙2.0系統已經開始公測了不少人已經報名參加並收到了華為的推送系統從AndroidOS切換到了HarmonyOS微博大V@ Xiao1u已經在自己的華為Mate40 Pro+手機上升級了鴻蒙之後發現谷歌服務完全不受影響可以繼續使用

Huawei Mate 40 Pro 4G版首發HarmonyOS

近日華為Mate40 Pro 4G版已經通過了工信部和3C認證其中工信部認證的信息顯示該機將搭載“Harmony OS”系統進一步證實傳聞從昨天開始華為的鴻蒙2.0系統已經開始公測了不少人已經報名參加並收到了華為的推送系統從AndroidOS切換到了HarmonyOS這意味著後續將有更多機型用戶參與進來